I was made for lovin' you ****

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*this chapter is nothing but smut until the end*

Eddie had his hands on you immediately, the van filling with both of your heavy breaths and soft moans. Eddie nearly ripped your shirt trying to get it off of you, and you began to fumble with his jacket, pushing it off of him. It was hard to move with the amp and guitar in the back, and you guys were still on your knees, kissing. His hands held your face again, his fingers tangling in your hair. You tried again to take his shirt off, but he wouldn't move his arms up.

"Eddie, come on," you pressed your fingers into his back, moving the fabric up more.

"Sorry," he raised his arms, allowing the shirt to slip off and he flung it over the front seat along with yours and his vest. He gripped your hips and brought you closer. There was no space between you, the contours of your bodies filled every inch. You buried your fingers in his hair, pulling at his roots. He moaned freely, tipping his head back and allowing you to kiss his neck. You bit his soft skin, and a low groan erupted from his chest. He held you against him and allowed you to leave hickeys of your own, truly marking him like he had done to you, all the way down his shoulder. The fingers on your free hand pressed into his back, and your desire reflected off of him. You trailed your lips back up his neck to meet his mouth again, releasing your grip in his hair. His eyes met yours through the darkness, holding a doe-eyed expression. You pressed together again, your hands roaming all over his body, trying to figure out where to put them to allow him to do whatever he wanted. He unclipped your bra and held your breasts in his hands, massaging them at the same rate his mouth moved. You pressed your chest into him, wanting him to continue.

He broke your kiss to move down to your chest, mouthing over your skin and teasing your nipples with his tongue. The fire that fueled him made his actions rough, but caring at the same time. One of his hands went down to the button on your jeans, undoing it effortlessly before sliding them down your thighs. He released one of your breasts from his mouth and bit your collarbone at the same time his fingers glided over your underwear, feeling how wet you were for him. "Eddie," you breathed, your fingers playing in his locks again. You pressed your hips against his hand, wanting more friction between you.

"Wait," he whispered, "we're forgetting something."

"Eddie we don't need them anymore," you grinded against his hand again, and he groaned before pulling away.

"That's not what I meant." He gently pushed you away, climbing around you to the front of the van. He turned the engine over and rewinded the cassette tape in his player. Prisoner of Your Eyes started again, and Eddie rejoined you in the back of the van, resuming where he left off. He laid you down on the floor, taking his usual spot between your knees. He tugged your jeans the rest of the way off of your legs, taking your shoes with them. He pressed your legs apart and rubbed his fingers against you to the rhythm of the song, slow but sensually. Something about the synchronization made this more enjoyable for you, and you let it show. He played with you over the fabric while he undid his belt and began to palm himself over his boxers. His fingers picked up speed, focusing more on your clit and making you moan louder. "Shit," he whispered. He grabbed the sides of your underwear and pulled them off, throwing them to the side with the rest of your clothes. "I wish we had more room in here, so I could taste you."

"Fuck, Eddie," his words held such power over you. He returned his hand to your core, applying pressure to your clit and drawing tight circles around it. You grabbed for whatever you could; his hand reaching for you, weaving his fingers between yours. "Eddie..." you cried out, your legs shaking. He placed himself directly between them, allowing your knees to press into his hips; preventing them from coming together.

"Yeah baby?" He leaned over you, his necklace tickling the valley between your breasts as he kissed your neck.

"That feels... so good..." your words were barely a whisper, you forced them out despite your orgasm quickly approaching.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now