Who helped me?

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 hey sonic~ Oh! Amy I didn't know you were here! Hehe.. *giggles* oh Sonic your so clueless sometimes. Hehe yeah.. anyway Amy what are you doing here? Oh just come to see my soniku~ can I come sit next to yo- HEY SONIC!! Knuckles why are you screaming? It's Eggman he's attacking a small village with people there all stuck in the fire! What why!? I don't know but we need your help to go gather the traped villagers! Alright let's go! *Zooms off* ugh that eggman I was so close to get soniku to be mine! *Sighs* whatever I better go help.. took you long enough! Sorry Sticks you can hit me with your boomerang later! I need to go help the villagers. AHHHHHH someone help! AHHHHHH ahhh! Damnit how many people are here I can't see anyone because of the fire- hahahahahah!! EGGMAN! What do you think your doing!? hmm oh It's YOU the pesky blue hedgehog can't stop me this time! And what makes you think this time is any different from the other times you've tried to do this well it's quite obvious that- *spindashs* hey that's no fair! *Spindashs again* hey! AHHHHHH curse you blue hedgehog!! You to eggman! Pov: now to gather up the villagers, lucky betting up eggman got me warmed up. AHHHHHH HELP- your welcome! *Heavy breathing* I feel ti-red *more heavy breathing* n-no more people t-to s-ave *fire goes out* huhh? Sonic See's something yellow with it looked like to Tail's but he wasn't quite sure since it was all blurry untill it became just black...


Ughhh.. uhh what the.. uh EGGMAN! Where is he! Huh Sonic Hey are you good!? Knuckles what happened I'm not sure Sonic- hm SONIKU YOUR AWAKE! I THOUGHT I LOST YOU I WAS SO SCARED! Am-y I-i c-cant brea-th oh sorry Soniku. Where's everyone else? Oh the rest are helping the villagers oh... Is there something wrong sonic? Well I'm really curious how I made it out did Amy or sticks help me or? Well umm were not really sure how or when you got out and we haven't asked the rest.. sorry Soniku oh it's fine........ oh hey guys how's Sonic doing- hmm oh your awake! Oh hey sticks- ya know your really luck that 2 tailed fox helped you or you might of been taken by the fire lord's wait you know who helped me? Yeah he looked like a two tailed fox with some weird gadget. Do you know where he is? Yeah he's at the medical center getting healed by the rest of the resistance ok I'm a go see him wait Soniku your not finished healing! Sticks why did you tell him you new that he would run of to see the boy who helped him! I don't know the future. Here we are how do I find him hmm oh I can ask her I'm excuse me uh yes- oh Sonic I hope your fine from your latest battle yeah I'm fine anyway I'm looking for someone do you happen to know where he is? Can you tell me his name umm I don't actually know what his name is but he's a yellow fox with two tails and he had a gadget I think. Oh yes him he's the one who we saw passing by he looked quite beaten up so we brought him in. Oh can I see him yeah sure he should be upstairs in room 234 cool thanks a lot pov:hmm 234 234... Ah here it is!

To be continued~

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