Chapter 1.

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Summer camp had been fun, you'd made new friends and gotten super close with one counciler in particular- Nick. He wasn't exactly your boyfriend buy he wasn't exactly not your boyfriend. It was difficult to explain especially since you'd barley processed the fact camp was over. Two months gone to the wind just like that.

"Hey there party bear" Emma's voice draws you from your thoughts. You had been sitting under a tree just outside the cabin listening to some music on an old iPod, it was outdated by about ten years but did the trick since phones were confiscated on the first day.

"Sup" you mumble a response.

"We are officially empty nesters!" She grins and offers a high five. This girl had way too much energy but she was sweet nonetheless. You return the high five as you get to your feet.

"Man I can't believe it's already been two months" you sigh wistfully following Em along to the cabin door.

"I'm gonna be glad to get out of here" she huffs. Abi sits on the stairs with her sketchbook open.

"Hey" she greets without looking up, both you and Emma return her greeting.

"Where's the bags?" Emma asks the red haired girl.

"In the cabin but the door is locked"

"Well we have two options, abandon ship or bust through!" Emma remarks theatrically.

You giggle before helping her push the door open, the old wood easily gives in under your combined weight and you tumble to the ground while Abi laughs at the pair of you.

You huff and get to your feet offering Em a hand and hoisting her up too. The tall girl had been your roommate these past weeks and you'd grown to be good friends. Abi and you took shift's in the first aid department and became close through your shared job assignment.

"Man that hurt" you grunt rubbing your banged forehead. You would definitely get a bruise later.

"We did what must be done" Em teases grabbing the remaining bags.

"I'm going to take one last look around" Abi says before disappearing into the rustic building.

You and the blonde shrug at eachother and walk off to a golf cart to take one last scenic lap around campus.

"Time to let loose and vamoose this caboose" the blonde hums rhythmically.

"Wow just as dramatic as ever" you fake scoff and playfully roll your eyes.

"You should try it sometime miss mellow" she rolls her eyes back at you.


"This is what I'm talking about" she mocks with her iconic smirk.

"What's with you and Jacob" you change the subject nonchalantly.

"He's actually...really sweet" she sighs.

"Then why quit it?"

"Summer fling, moving to schools thousands of miles away, you know"

"So was our friendship a summer thing only?" You inquire half jokingly.

"No! Sisters before misters always" she tuts and you both laugh. "What about you and Nick?"

You shrug "well we actually live in the same state just a few towns away so we're just going with the flow"

Em tuts again "you're way too chill about it"

"It's my coping mechanism!" You defend.

Arriving back to the others Nick is first to notice "hey, where were you guys?" His strong accent makes your stomach flutter.

"Wouldn't you like to know" you wink and he lightly swats your shoulder.

"Lets go lovebirds" Em urges with two heavy bags in her hands. You take one from her to ease her scorning.

"Do you want help with that?" Nick asks politely as always.

"Aren't you a gentleman" you quip but accept his help willingly.

"What's the hold up Hacketteers?" Mr. H calls from a balcony.

"Sorry Mr. H, had to liberate some luggage" Em whispers and you share a humourous glance.

"Maybe if someone spent less time trying to impress ladies with his ghost stories" Kaitlyn retorts giving a meaningful look to Ryan.

"Ghost stories?" Mr. H questions.

"Ya know the hag of Hackett's Quarry" Kaitlyn shouts up to him. He huffs and annoyed breathe of air clearly awaiting to be rid of his annoying teen employees.

"Van keys?" You call out to him equally as prepared to leave even if you did like it here- the boss wasn't as pleasant as the atmosphere.

"Ah left em in the office, give me a hand would you Ryan?"

"Sure" the boys deep voice sounds in response.

Dylan makes a scene about charging his phone up so he can listen to music on the way home but gets nowhere. "Should have got one of these" you taunt him with a wave of the little device you kept. He pouts and you feel somewhat bad for him "you can share my headphones but I'm picking the music"

"Thank you, thank you!" He beams.

When Hackett returns with Ryan and the keys, they attempt to start up the van to no avail. "Maybe your doing it wrong" Ryan suggests to Jake who had taken initiative to be the designated driver.

"I'm not doing it wrong" he mimicks in a childish voice.

"Boys!" Mr. H yells growing frustrated.

They both scatter to make way for him to try it out and once he finds it's still not working he gets uncharacteristicly mad. "Goddammit!" He barks.

You exchange 'wtf' looks with Emma a little off put by his outburst. Even Nick who's usually indifferent to arguments looks disgruntled.

"Fine okay. Here" he tossed Ryan the cabin keys "stay inside tonight, lock the doors and don't make much noise" he instructs.

He really isn't happy about this huh? "Uh okay" Ryan shrugs a little dumbfounded.

Chris gets into his personal vehicle and speeds away without another word.

"Creepy" you remark with an over dramatic shudder earning a laugh from Em.

"Well" Dylan claps his hands together "the way I see it we can either stay inside on our last night together or have a party outside!"

"But Chris said-" Ryan tries to dispute but is cut short.

"Who cares what Chris told us to do? He's not our boss anymore" Dylan scoffs. "P A R T Y- the fuck not?"

"Fuck yeah!" Jacob howls like the frat boy he is. "I'm in, Nick you're in?"

"Yeah I'm in" he confirms with a glance to you probably wondering if you'd be taking part.

"Dylan's in obviously, my man! Emma? Abi?"

They give a 'yeah' simultaneously.

"Kaitlyn, y/n?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I go where my people need me" she bows.

"You only live once- or whatever that lame saying is" you shrug.

Party night it is...

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