Chapter 13.

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Leaving the airport you yawn still dazed from the nap you'd taken slumped against Nick. He gets the luggage like the gentleman he is and calls a cab, giving the driver Jacob"s address.

The ride is long but relaxing, Nick's hand mindlessly caresses your knee. He traces circles over your pant leg with his thumb as you rest your head on his shoulder. Peace- this is what peace feels like.

"We're here" his soft voice tickles your ear and you depart from the taxi.

The house ahead was vast, as if taken right out of a holiday leaflet and pasted into reality. You walk up to the front door and ring the doorbell, it opens only seconds later. The face that greets you is that of a jubilant looking Jacob.

"Y/n, Nick!" He cheers pulling the pair of you into a hug and urging you inside.

"Hey man" Nick smiles and you chime in with your own greeting.

"Everyone's out back at the pool" he points to the backyard where you see a candlelit garden. Must be excited to see Emma.

"Where shall we put our stuff?" You ask looking down at your suitcases.

"I'll take them upstairs and put them in one of the guest rooms, you'll be sharing right?" He adds the last part with a smirk.

You scoff but nod playfully as he takes your things dashing upstairs like an excited puppy who's owners just got home from work.

"One of?" Nick whispers in reference to Jake's earlier sentence.

"He's rich rich" you whisper back.

As you trail out to the pool you find everyone sat around lost in conversation; Kaitlyn and Abi are fiddling with a radio, Ryan and Dylan are sitting at the edge with their legs in the water. The only one missing is Emma who's probably being fashionably late as always.

As you step into view they all turn their heads and welcome the pair of you "hey Nick, Y/n!"

Nick and you return the welcome and slide along to the edge of the pool opposite Ryan and Dyl. "It's so good to see you guys again" you smile.

"Back at you" Dylan grins "how have you two been... getting along?" He winks.

With a roll of your eyes you shrug "I don't know what do you think Nick?"

The boy grows flustered immediately not knowing what to say "we- uh, good we're good"

You and Dylan snort a little. You guys were basically parallels of eachother - teasing your counterparts was amusing and together you could up the game even more.

"Seems like it's good" Dylan teases.

Ryan takes a sip of his drink also feeling unsure of himself "what about you two?" You smirk.

Ryan's eyes widen when Dylan looks at him expectantly "good too- I mean uh, you know we uh go to the same college so we basically live together..."

Even Nick finds his fumbling amusing and chuckles quietly. You'd missed this.

Kaitlyn and Abi finally come sit down with you guys after agreeing on a radio station. Some calming bedroom pop plays in the background.

"Tell us about what you guys are up to" Nick nods at the girls.

Abi instantly perks up "I got into that art school I told you about!"

"We knew you would" you smile brightly.


"Oh uh in all honesty I just went to some boring school my parents suggested but I've been really enjoying the music classes there"

You talk about it in further detail and Jacob returns with beers. About two cans in the faint ring of a doorbell can be heard from inside. "Be right back" the broad male stands up quickly disappearing.

"Must be Emma" Kaitlyn points out and your stomach errupts in excitement. She was still your best friend despite not having seen her in a few months, you guys called and texted everyday.

You shoot upright and excuse yourself. The sight of Emma and Jacob making intense eye contact stops you in your tracks. Obviously Jacob wasn't over her and she wouldn't admit it but since that night you know she'd rekindled her feelings for him.

Operation cupid go.

"Y/n!" Emma shrieks happily rushing past the boy at the door and wrapping her slender arms around your frame.

"I missed you" you sigh into her soft hair. Jacob shuts the door and watches awkwardly, poor guy. "Why don't you let Jake take your bags" you suggest.

She pulls back and hands her stuff off to him, with a half smile he hops up the stairs. "I know what you're thinking" she reamrks.

"I don't know what you're talking about" you retort jokingly.

She scoffs and taps your arm. "No getting us together"

You were so getting them back together.

By the time you and Emma make it back outside everyone has pulled their clothes off and is splashing around in the pool. They call out to say hi to Em and beckon the two of you to join.

"In for a nighttime dip?" Emma asks with a coy look.

You make a noise of agreement and lift your shirt off over your head. Lowering yourself carefully in the water to avoid getting your hair wet your efforts are ruined, a splash of chlorine water covers you as someone laughs. Dylan.

"That's it!" You grunt with a smirk and sent a wave back at him.

"Water fight!" Nick yells and everything erupts into chaos.

You barley even notice when Jacob shows up until he cannonballs. His laughs join the fray and everyone goes on like this until it becomes too cold. The sound of chattering teeth replace the giggles and the group decide to head back inside.

Jacob- having surprisingly thought ahead has towels laid out in the living room. Taking a few moments to dry off the room is quiet but comfortable.

"How about we have a scary movie marathon?" Dylan suggests being the first to speak.

"Ooh that sounds good" Kaitlyn nods from her towel-blanket burrito.

"I'll put Netflix on everyone should probably put some clothes on though" Jacob chuckles. He seems so responsible now, maybe school had done a lot for his maturity level.

"Sounds good to me" Ryan agrees. Jacob then reels off a list of directions to each of the guest rooms.

"Y/n and Nick your room is the last door on the left from the top of the stairs"

A big T-Shirt and pair of 'borrowed'' boxers from Nick is just what you needed right now.

The wooden floor felt cold underfoot and you were glad to be able to throw on some cozy socks. Sneakily your eyes trail over the brunette as he throws on a fresh shirt and sweatpants. His damp skin glistened in the dimly lit bedroom making your pulse quicken.

No, no tine for that we have a movie night to attend.

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