Chapter 14.

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Downstairs everyone regroups snuggling up on the plush couches. There were three to be exact. Emma and Jacob sit together, Ryan and Dylan sit almost on top of one another on the same couch. Kaitlyn and Abi seem to be getting pretty close too, taking up their own couch on the right and perfectly in the middle you sit with Nick on his lap.

The first movie to play is a classic - Friday the 13th. Everyone is quietly enjoying it when a particularly gory scene plays out. Jake shifts in his seat nervously before getting up and mumbling "gonna get us some popcorn"

What a gentleman.

You cast a quick glance to Emma to gage her reaction which seems to be a pout. Knew it!

Jacob comes back with popcorn freshly made by the time the movie ends. Very convenient timing. The next movie everyone agrees on is Texas chainsaw massacre. One scene in particular makes you jump, pushing your hips backwards on Nick's lap and he lets out a small grunt. His hand moves onto your thigh and he rubs it comfortingly.

That's how it stars anyway. It quickly becomes more aggressive as his hand gets lower and lower and bis gentle touch turns to harsh grabs. As his hand massages your leg your breathing becomes shallow.

A shiver overtakes you at the heated touches and the movement earns another noise from the boy beneath you. You manage to make it to the end of the movie and then excuse yourself making up a completely boring excuse of being tired.

Dylan eyes you suspiciously where as everyone else just smiles and wishes you a goodnight. Nick is barley containing his smirk and you really want to wipe the smug look off his face and that's when a plan formulates in your mind. Payback.

Back in your room you decide to wear that skirt that Nick had begged you to bring. The kicker though- you weren't wearing anything else. You knew he was going to come up here after you any minute now, after all he'd started this.

Just as expected there's a knocking at the door "y/n?" His accent sends goosebumps springing up over your skin.

"Yes?" You call back coyly.

"Can I come in?"

"Mhm" you hum as you busy yourself with your usual night time routine.

The sound of the door shutting behind him makes you smirk in the mirror as you wash your face. His footsteps grow closer and closer and when he sees you in the bathroom (you had purposely left the door hanging wide open) he makes a choked noise.

You stand elegantly at the sink with a proud smile on your lips, your bare skin only covered by a small layer of fabric. Pretty much everything is on display.

"I knew you weren't tired" his voice grows husky as he walks up to you and presses himself against your back.

"What makes you say that?" You coo while dabbing away any water on your face with a towel.

"Well if you were tired you'd be in bed by now" he remarks before pressing a kiss to your shoulder.

With a subtle movement you shift backwards into him. He lets out a shaky breath against your hair. "A girl has to take care of herself first" you shrug.

He glances at the different skin care products around the basin "I see" his hands have found their way to your waist by now and inch slowly lower reaching the hips.

"What about you? Why'd you leave the movie?"

He tugs your hips roughly as his breathing becomes shallow "I wanted to take care of you"

The sentence makes you shut your eyes in anticipation. No, not yet you wanted to get him back for teasing you earlier.

"That's too bad, I really am tired" you lie pulling away and stalking off towards the bed.

He trails after you like a lamb and you can almost hear him drooling. "That's... too bad yeah"

"Although like I said" you pause to make a show of climbing onto the mattress "a girl needs to take care of herself first"

He stiffens in place watching you intensely as you lean back against the headboard bringing your legs up. Now everything really was on display. His eyes feel like they're lighting you on fire in the best way as you trace your hand gently down your abdomen all the way to the very bottom of the skirt.

"Fuck" his groan is muffled as he makes his way towards you.

You shake your head no and cross your legs "I said I can take care of myself"

"Please" he whines.

"Please what?"

"I want to help you" he frowns.

"Hmm" you fein being in thought "you can watch but no touching"

He grits his teeth in minor agitation but nods. With a delighted grin you uncross your legs and move your hand back in place this time you go further down, tracing soft circles over yourself.

Evey now and then you let out a little noise either to taunt him or just because it feels good. His hands slide over to you as he struggles to keep away.

"You want to put your hands on me that badly?" You giggle quietly. His dark eyes flicker at the questio.

"You know I do" he growls.

"Ask nicely" you narrow your eyes as you retract your hand.

"Please, I wanna touch you" be huffs.

With a playful eye roll you beckon him to cone up to you, he holds himself up above you pressing a kiss to your mouth. He then runs his hands down your thighs as he had while watching the movie. Maintaining the kiss becomes difficult as he carefully pushes his fingers into you.

Both of you pant against the others tongue wanting more. "Nick" you whisper breaking the contract.

He tilts his head with slanted eyes "yeah?"

"Can you just-" the words are hard to utter as he purposefully curls his fingers with a wry smile "just fuck me"

He clicks his tongue "I can definitely do that"

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