Chapter 5.

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The vegetation rustles louder and you fix your stare into the treeline. "Should we... go see what it is?" Nick inquiries.

"No!" You hiss "have you seen any horror movies like ever? You don't go towards the bad noises!"

He holds up his hands in surrender "okay lets just...slowly go back to the others"

Quietly and carefully you tip-toe away trying to find your way out of the woods. Unfortunately Nick steps on a twig, the snapping sound echoes through the night. "Shit" you mutter looking around nervously.

Holding your breath you wait and it's only moments until the thing is upon you. Targeting Nick it launches itself onto him, he goes flying into the brush. You hear tearing of clothes or flesh and screams, horrifying screams.

"Nick!?" You shout in a panic.

He calls back out "help" is all his weakened state allows.

Rushing over to the direction of the sound he lays there, covered in blood. "Jesus christ" your words come out shallow. He looked fucked up.

Using your adrenaline powered strength you get behind him putting your hands under his arms in attempt to drag him to safety. You don't get far however as whatever attacked Nick throws itself at you.

Something hulking and huge pins you to the ground. Long limbs slash towards your face as you make desperate dodges in the little amount of wiggle room you have. It has dark sludge colored skin with a mangled mouth and bulging yellow eyes. What is this thing?

The question doesn't quite register in your brain before a gunshot goes off. The beast is blasted by someone. Terror grips you but you can't leave Nick to die, making a second rescue attempt you grab him again. There's no way you can outrun that thing especially while bringing Nick along. The only other option is to hide and so you spot a nearby ditch surrounded by bushes, a perfect hiding place.

Quietly yet quickly as you can, you shimmy Nick and yourself into the ditch. The soil is cold and damp, a reminder of how alone and isolated you are right now. You don't know what to do. Looking down to the boy in your arms his eyes are closed and it's difficult to tell if he's conscious. The only thing giving you an ounce of relief is his rapid breathing presumably cause of the pain he must be in.

Who shot that thing? The second question of the night hits you like a truck. It's insane that somehow, somebody was there at just the right moment. You needed to get help and fast.

There's some growling and heavy footsteps just above the hideout making you freeze. Every muscle in your body tenses and you bring a hand over Nick's mouth to quiet his rasping. Please, please don't find us.

The growling has subsided and Nick seems to have regained his senses. He whines in pain and you examine his injuries. He squirms around and you grow frustrated "let me see" you hiss out of pure worry.

"It hurts" he groans swatting away your prying hands.

He needs proper first aid, which was back at camp, you couldn't help him from here. "Can you stand?" You ask with a shaking voice. He nods in reply and together you clamber out the makeshift trench.

Limping through the trees you feel something grasp you from behind. Letting out a sharp scream you trip as Nick is dragged away, a bulky man smeared in crismon liquid holds the Australian tightly. A gun can be seen in his free hand and your pulse speeds up at the thoughts running through your mind. He isn't about to shoot him is he?

"Get off of him!" You command, the man doesn't listen continuing to pull Nick away. In self defense he bites the strangers fingers and frees himself.

He rushes forward and grabs your hand "c'mon lets go" he urges. Just before you turn tail and run you see the stranger point the gun to his hand and fire. Dismembermered chunks of his fingers fly off of his body.

Disgusted and distraught you run as fast as your legs will take you. The burning in your tendens doesn't deter you until you finally get to camp. "Holy shit" Ryan mutters seeing the pair of you.

"What happened?" Kaitlyn gasps.

"Something, in the woods attacked us" you pant for air between words "then a-a man tried to take him"

Nick collapses to the floor, eyes fluttering shut. He's definitely wiped out from everything he'd just been through. You were lucky to escape without more then some scratches.

Abi comes over with a worried expression "what was it that attacked?"

You shrug while shaking your head repeatedly "nothing normal. It was huge and all disfigured"

"Can you...draw it?" She suggests handing over her sketchbook.

You blink a few times trying to clear your mind. You were back at camp. You're safe. "Okay, yeah"

With trembling hands you struggle to hold the pencil but manage to sketch out the figure you remember. The long arms and claws, the protruding eyeballs, the malnourished frame. All engraved into your mind from those moments it had been staring down at you.

Handing Abi her book back you move over to Nick. If you were close before imagine the trauma bond you'd have now. "Jesus oh my god" you curse getting a good look at the mauling he'd been through.

"Did, did it get you?" He stutters trying to scan you with his eyes like you were more important then himself.

"No, it didn't" you reassure him not wanting him to be in further distress.

"Shit look!" Dylan yells pointing to Nicks torn up leg. Black oozed from his wounds like tar.

"How is it infected already?" Ryan questions.

"We should cut it off' Dylan remarks.

You almost choke in shock "are you insane?!"

Why is amputation his first thought? You didn't even know what bit him yet.

"Look at that black stuff" he whispers defensively.

"What do you think it is?" Ryan retorts.

"Do I look like a doctor?"

"You just suggested amputating!" You scoff "and now you're not a doctor"

Nick falls asleep as you sit beside him playing with his messy hair. He still needed medical supplies but the group seemed preoccupied with their hushed whispering about what the hell was going on. Jacob and Emma hadn't been seen since the game of truth or dare. That is until Jacob comes dashing out of the woods like a madman.

"I'm here to save you!" He shouts unconvincingly. There's something coating his face. Something that you hoped wasn't blood but with the way the night was going it probably was.

"What the hell man!" Ryan scorns holding up a shotgun.

"I heard y/n screaming in the woods" he shrugs "so I came as fast as I could but then I got caught in this, like, goddamn hunters trap"

Confused stares meet his half naked self. "Why are you-" Kaitlyn begins only to be cut off.

"Then, then! This guy with a fucking machete comes and cuts me down" he exclaims while waving around his arms.

Can this get any worse?

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