Chapter 8.

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Tears flow down your face and hit the grass. You were lost, scared, alone and most importantly your boyfriend was a monster who bit you and probably gave you whatever weird disease he has. Now in the vast expanse of forestry you were going to have to find a way out.

The burning feeling was back again, faint but lingering. Something about this weird monster shit had something to do with it you knew it, but how?

The walk back to the poolhouse was frightening, every shadow or snap of a twig caused a jolt of fear. When you did finally make it you hear shouting yet again. The group stands clustered around a stranger, infact the very stranger who shot that girl dead in the pool.

"Hey! Guys! Hey!" You shout to get their attention.

"Oh my god y/n!" Kaitlyn calls with wide eyes.

"She's not dead?!" Dylan remarks with a relieved huff of air.

"What's going on?" You interject between everyone's shocked questions.

"Uh- this chick is trying to tell us that there's werewolves on the lose" Dylan informs.

That statement alone seemed to connect all the dots, the hulking monsters and the infectious bites. "Oh" is all you can manage to mutter.

"This is crazy" Ryan groans while pointing a gun at the mysterious stranger.

"Is it?" You scoff "didn't you see what happened to Nick?"

"She wants us to kill Chris!" He snaps turning to glare into your eyes.


The stranger turns to you too and introduces herself "Laura, nice to meet you and all but uh if we don't kill Mr H my boyfriend is going to be trapped as a werewolf and from what these guys have told me so is yours"

"There's a way to help Nick?"

"If we kill the one who started it all- Mr Hackett then anyone he's bitten will be cured" she explains. Her scars poke out of the patch making her presence all the more intimidating yet something about her felt trustworthy.

"So, we have to kill our boss to save our boyfriends" you bark the words as if what you were saying was unbelievable, because it almost was.

"Yup. Now where does Chris live when he's not hosting the camp?" Laura asks without even allowing time for you to absorb the information.

"Wait, before we go on some hit-man mission I wanna know how y/n escaped werewolf Nick" Dylan interupts.

"He just...left me, it was like he knew it was me somehow" you mumble.

"Well that's sweet and all but we are not killing anybody!" Ryan protests.

"So you'd rather die? Get torn apart by wolfed out Hackett?" You scold sarcastically.

He gives his classic stern expression before heaving a sigh "fine, but I'm going too"

"Okay so it'll be the three of us then" you exclaim in an overly enthusiastic tone.

"Uh three?" Laura raises her eyebrows.

"You think I'm not coming? After what you just told me" you raise your eyebrows back at her mockingly.

She simply clicks her tongue and gestures for Ryan to lead the way.

After awhile of Laura and Ryan bickering over the morals of the situation you come upon the destination. The Hackett household.

"What is this? Chris seriously lives in some redneck mansion with his redneck family in the ass crack of the woods?" Laura splutters.

"It's actually where his mom lives" Ryan corrects.

" do we get in?" You question.

"Maybe we just don't" Ryan huffs like a moody teenager refusing to do homework.

"Ryan now isn't the time for your weird fatherly relationship with Chris okay? We almost died tonight. Multiple times" you argue.

"She's right, there's gotta be a way across somewhere" Laura says as she scans the area.

Beneath your feet the wood you stood on began to crack and crumble away. Ryan wobbles besides you "it's gonna go!" He warns.

It's too late as the platform fully splinters and you fall a long, long way down. The only thing that saves you is the pool of water below. Every inch of your skin blazed and itched upon the contact, the overwhelming need to get out the water drove your body.

Powered by pain you swim to the edge of the water and clamber out with lightening speed. As you look over your body you see your veins running a sickly black, same goes for Laura who is second out the pool. She flashes a half smile and you almost laugh. She seemed rather friendly despite the circumstances and you admired it.

"It stalks your breathe but shuns clear water" she mumbles.

"What?" You ask with a frown, she may be a comfort to have around but she was making no sense.

"It's part of the curse" Ryan explains as he drags himself out last.

Laura throws up her arm to see... nothing. "Let me-" she says while moving a gloved hand up your neck.

You guess as to what she's insinuating and let her remove the damp gauze. Your hand is next to trace the place you previously had a bite would, nothing was left in its wake.

"Holy shit" you rasp with a mixture of astonishment and concern.

"So...your eye" Ryan adds moving closer to remove the eye patch.

When it tumbles from her face to the floor all three of you gasp. Her scars were gone and her eye was back in perfect condition.

Bite ➳ Nick FurcilloWhere stories live. Discover now