Chapter 12.

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With exhausted limbs no longer fueled by werewolf super strength you trudge through the vegetation with your friends (plus Travis). You cast a look over at the blonde girl and gently nudge her "you excited to see Max back to normal?"

She smiles, fully gummy smiles, for the first time that night. "Yeah, I couldn't stop thinking about him this whole time"

"That's sweet, I bet this'll be a great story for couples therapy" you tease.

She chuckles and rolls her eyes. Her mouth opens to tease back but closes again as her brows furrow "look!" She shouts.

Everyone's head snaps in the direction she's looking and you gasp at what you see. "Nick!" You cry out.

He sits on the forest floor with a glum look staring at his blood soaked hands. His head cranes up to meet your eyes and his pupils dialate "y/n oh my god"

He stands to hug you as you run at him full force, when you connect you tumble back to the grass clumsily. "You're- you're not-"

"A literal werewolf?" He finishes the sentence squeezing you tight not caring about the blood he was smearing across your shirt.

"How did you-"

"It's kinda easy to put the pieces together when I was running around on all fours the whole night"

You laugh awkwardly and rest your forehead on his red stained one. Then his lips are on yours soft and gentle as if afraid that you would break in his hold. The familiar taste of iron hits your tongue although this time you don't have the monsterous desire for more.

"Hate to interupt you lovebirds but we should probably find... everyone else" Ryan calls.

With a sigh you pull apart and make your way back to camp. Laura seems to be bouncing up and down with anticipation "you should go to him" you say out of the blue and she cocks her head to the side.

"I can't just leave you guys" she objects politely.

"There's no more werewolves, we'll be okay and your boyfriend is waiting for you"

She grins and takes of running in the direction of the island. You walk beside Nick, fingers intertwined. When the cabin appears within view you let out a sigh of relief, you needed a nap and probably a shiton of therapy.

"I- I didn't hurt you did I?" Nick's question makes you frown.

"No why?"

"Last thing I remember was grabbing you" he says "then everything else was a blur, just flashes of the woods and...a cage"

"You didn't hurt me" you reassure.

While you regroup with everyone Nick stays close to you the entire time. His presence is soothing and protective. Travis walks out of the cabin with tearful eyes and a boy walking along with him. That must be Caleb, the only one left alive out of his family. You felt both a twinge of guilt and happiness knowing he atleast had somebody left.

You spend a good amount of time hugging Emma and she tells you how she was chased by a giant monster on the island... Max.

Dylan and Ryan can be seen cuddling up in a corner and you give them a low whistle. Ryan rolls his eyes playfully and Dylan winks.

"Wait" Emma says and everyone turns to look at her "where's Jacob?"

"I'm here, I'm here to save you!" He calls as he runs into the cabin still shirtless.

He's met with blank stares. "It's like... fully over dude" Kaitlyn informs him with a pitiful look.

"No I- I" he stammers.

"Have you been running around in the forest all night?" Emma scorns.

"How are you alive? Seriously" Abi chimes in.

Travis takes you all to his station in groups trying to cram as many people as he can fit in a car. He hands out clothes and lets everyone take a shower. He assures you that he'll take care of everything, legally.

Once that's over with he fixes up the car you were initially supposed to leave in that was still packed with everyones luggage. The ride home was full of passed out councillors snoring away. Every stop was sadder then the last as the group diminished. On the bright side you all exchanged numbers and started a group chat agreeing to meet up in the holidays - you were all bonded now more then you had in the two month summer job. Shared trauma really brings people together...

December rolls around, you had been at college since September, the local community college. Sure it wasn't the start of your Einstein era but it did have something great- Nick. You guys hadn't really made big plans for education especially after that night at the camp. Instead you decided to do something basic and go with the flow.

The college setting provided a much needed normalcy in your lives. You two had become the iconic couple of the school and were closer then ever, you felt truly happy. You did miss your friends though- luckily christmas break was coming up and everyone had planned to stay at Jacobs place since he had rich parents who were never home and a big house.

Walking along the dorms corridors you cling to Nick's arm rambling about how excited you were to get together with the group again. "Man I can't wait to catch up with them all! I wonder if Abi got into that art school? Oh, maybe Ryan and Dylan went to the same college like we did"

The tall brunette stares at you affectionately taking in every manic word like it was a lifeline. "You're cute" he chuckles.

"Shut up" you blush and squeeze him teasingly.

"Here we are" he announces opening the door to your dorm. He had promised to help you pack (or more like watch over you because you would likely forget something important).

You skip inside and immediately reach for a polkadot suitcase "how many clothes do you think I'll need?" You ask as you search the closet.

He shrugs and reaches for your underwear drawer delicately holding up a lacey set "whatever you do please bring these" he begs.

You fake a scoff "perv!"

"You love it" he mocks moving over to grab your waist from behind.

"Stop distracting me"

He sighs and lets go putting his hands up in surrender "got it, don't distract the princess"

You roll your eyes and begin stuffing various clothing items in the case along with all the necessary shit like a toothbrush, hairbrush and other boring stuff.

Just as you're about to zip up the bag Nick holds up a finger "wait- you have to take this!"

He holds a tiny mini skirt between his fingers with a cocky smirk.

"It's the middle of winter" you retort with a raised brow.

"I can keep you warm" he winks.

"You are unbelievable" you laugh but agree to toss it in.

As soon as you've both finished packing you slide into his car and plug in the aux. Of course the drive to the airport has to be filled with the best album of all time, so you play your favourite.

Nick who has been thoroughly acquainted with your music taste by now sings along to every song and makes you smile. In just a few months he'd become the light of your life.

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