Chapter 17.

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Christmas rolls around faster then you expect, the gang gathers around a decorated tree. Jacob makes sure to tell everyone how he and Emma put it up together which is half cute, half obnoxious.

"Okay so we'll do the secret santa stuff first and our normal gifts after" Kaitlyn announces and everyone nods.

She'd definitely retained her sense of organisation from camp.

"Who wants to go first?" She questions, Dylan raises his hand dramatically bouncing up and down from the couch.

"Me, me, me" he chants.

"Mkay" she pauses to scan labels before passing a medium sized leather box his way.

"This looks fancy" he remarks prying it open with his one hand.

His smug grin falls as he pulls out bits of protective tissue paper. His mouth hangs open and everyone leans over to get a look "oh my..." Abi gasps.

The boy pulls out a prosthetic hook hand. Foul.

"I am both honoured and outraged" Dylan croaks "Ryan, put it on me!"

"Oh for god's sake" his boyfriend mutters under his breath reaching over to aid with the attachment.

"Who got this?" Dylan asks with a crack of humour in his voice.

"You're supposed to guess" Kaitlyn taunts.

"Oh man" he sighs "I feel like this is a very Jacob thing to do"

Jacob scoffs "how did you-"

"Of course" Ryan groans shaking his head.

"Next!" Kaitlyn shouts above the pair.

"I'll go" Emma smiles sweetly, gracefully taking a neatly wrapped present with her name scrawled on it.

Slowly she removes the baby pink paper to reveal a camera box. "Oh wow" Kaitlyn mumbles. It looked decently expensive.

"I love it! Is this for my vlogs? Oh this was totally Abi" Emma coos.

"You got me" the red haired girl mumbles looking shy. Emma gives her a hug before taking the camera out of the box.

"You guys have to let me get some groups photos later"

The next person to open their gift is you, a brown paper bag is thrusted into your hands. Without giving away too much of a reaction you open it up and are hit with an intense floral smell, a colorful sphere lies inside. "Oh it's one of those big ass bath bombs" you giggle.

"From Lush?" Emma inquiries.

"Think so" you mumble taking another smell of the intoxicating substance "I feel like one of the guys got me this"

You look from Dylan to Ryan and then Nick, knowing Jacob already did one. After some thought you shrug. It could be any of them.

Ryan slowly meets your gaze "it was me"

You bite your tongue to stop yourself from calling out the irony of having gotten eachother. On the bright side, he'd gone with a generic gift too so you didn't feel as nervous about his turn.

"Thank you" you smile , sneaking another whiff of the glorious bath bomb.

The game goes on until the last person finally takes their present in their hands. Ryan opens up the bag with his headphones in with a small smirk "last person so y/n, I know it's gotta be you"

You nod "yup, we got eachother"

Everyone splits up briefly to go get the rest of their gifts, you haul down a large plastic bag with various wrapped items inside.

"God this is heavy" you hear Jacob groaning as he hauls a human sized box inside.

"What is that?" Abi chuckles at his struggle.

"I'm not telling you, that would defeat the point of a surprise" he huffs.

It's probably something for Emma.

"Alrighty is everyone ready?" Emma asks as the group take up their seats once again.

Everyone mumbles a response and begin passing out gifts to one another. You reach into the bag at random and pull out Em's friendship necklace. It sits safely in a smooth black box and you hand it to her happily.

Her mouth drops into a delicate 'o' shape as she examines the two trinkets. One is a silver cresent moon pendant while the other is a golden sun. The pieces slot into eachother perfectly as they hang on the dark velvet.

"I love it! Which one's yours?"

"You choose"

She hums as she thinks it over before handing you the cresent moon "I love you bff" she chirps

"Love you too bae" you smirk going back to dish out gifts.

You save the best till last, Nick's special present. You take the two slithers of paper carefully and tap your boyfriend on the shoulder "for you"

He looks at the tickets in your hand as his face lights up "you got me baseball tickets?!" He exclaims.

To his favourite team. And you didn't even care about baseball, you just wanted to go for him.

He grins contently and pulls you close to him pressing tender kisses to your head.

"Say cheese!" Emma yells as she pops up infront of you snapping a photo.

"Let me see" you say as you scrabmle to get a look.

The picture is quite cute, a candid photo of you and Nick together with his lips pressed to your scalp softly.

"I'll send this to you once I upload the pics onto my computer" she smiles.

And she did. As you find yourself back at college campus you stare happily at your dorm room wall covered in pictures of you and Nick as well as ones with your friends. It hadn't been more then a month since you'd seen them and yet you missed them dearly. Fortunately though, there would always be more holidays, more time to spend together to make more memories.

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