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for people like us,
there are worse fates than death

"Do you believe in luck?"

Jesper shuddered, blaming it on the cool air that Wylan's whispers strung into his ears. The gambler in him cheekily shrugged, "I know all about luck."

"I bet," Wylan retorted, creeping through along the drüskelle roof towards the gatehouse, "Leia told me why you're scared of lightnings."

Dread sat in Jesper's stomach, but he tried to play it off cool, "I see she's on the job again-" Jesper exchanged the feelings of fresh betrayal for a strike of nerves as they carefully scaled down a gabled rooftop coated in ice—one wrong step and he'd fall into the wolves' den, literally. But between the possibility of getting skinned alive by the drüskelle and being on the receiving end of a rumour by the Jester herself, he take his chances with the Fjerdans. "This is the same woman who tricked the Heleen Van Houden into releasing her source of slave traders. They don't call her the Jester for nothing."

Hanging out with the Dregs was slowly corrupting Wylan, the proof in his mild cunning tendencies now. "Really?" The word rolled on his tongue, smooth as honey. "She told me a story about you—of heavy rain and lightning strikes. Your reaction on the schooner only confirmed it."

"What reaction?"

Wylan smiled, "You'd get jittery whenever it's raining and there's lightning. You said you 'had to sit down'."

Defeated, Jesper rolled his eyes and continued advancing, wondering why Leia was on a relentless mission to crush the cool and unfazed image of him. Of course he remembered the absolute wreckage that was Nina's birthday two years ago. Jesper, Nina and Leia had heard rumours of a champagne fountain at a party in the West Stave. A damn champagne fountain—who in their right minds wouldn't go? Not to mention Kaz and Inej were out of town.

Yet in three short hours, the trio were kicked out for different reasons.

A very intoxicated Nina decided that she missed butter waffles, and started baking them right then and there—forgetting the very flammable champagne fountain and almost bombed the entire neighbourhood. Meanwhile, Leia the born arsonist, had left the host's brother stark naked after burning off his clothes after his repeated unwelcomed advances on her. On a subtle note, Jesper had shattered not one, but two ancient paintings when showing off his gun skills. Drenched in champagne, the trio walked home in the cold while showcasing their talent for theatrical singing.

It was one of his favourite memories.

Well, at least the former part of this night was his favourite memory. He'd very much like to forget the latter part of it.

He had safely deposited a drunken Leia and Nina in their rooms. Then he recalled the roulette event he overheard at the party. Temptation called, Jesper answered. He won five roulettes in a row before his luck went rotten. He knew it was that young boy who touched his shoulders when squeezing through the crowd, a superstition that his people back home always echoed. The night sky was pouring when Jesper found his way home, pockets empty yet full of shame over the new debt he accumulated.

𝐉𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 ━━ Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now