CHAPTER 1: Who Is He?

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The winter season has ended and now the season of flowers blooming has come which only mean one thing. Yes, school. Unfortunately, I am in my 2nd year of high school. Well, I am not really looking forward for it though, it's just that some people just can't stop talking about it. I sigh.

Early this morning, I woke up and went to do some exercise before going to school. And to my surprise, the Cherry Blossom tree have already covered the pavement with it's pink colour. The birds around the tree chirps and hums a beautiful melody with only that I could feel all the energy have entered my body and I suddenly feel so energized to go to school. When I got home, I quickly take a bath and make some breakfast as well as changing into my school uniform.

After a few minutes, I went out of the house and turn on my headphones and start walking towards the school. Whilst walking, I heard a very loud and annoying voice. Without even turning around I could tell that it was my best friend. She hug me very tightly that I almost fall and I sigh. "Kei! I'm sorry for not visiting you during the holiday! Are you okay now? I heard you had a very bad cold that you had to be admitted to the hospital!" said my best friend, Lucy who can't stop hitting me with all that stupid questions. I push her face away and poke her forehead. "Of course I'm okay. You worry too much." And with that I continued until I reach the school compound. "How can I not worry, idiot. You live alone and barely tell anyone about your health or problems! Plus...I-" "Like I said, don't worry." I said cutting her. "Let's go and see which class are we in." She nods.

When we reach at the board, I see quite a huge pack of people hogging the place that I had to look at it from afar. There, I see our class and some unexpected thing happen and I can't help but laugh. "Hey, let's go to class. We're gonna be late." I said, dragging her. "Eh..but I haven't finish yet and I still don't know what class am I in.." "'re quite smart eh, Lucy?" She pout. "What do you mean by rude..hmph! Wait..Does that mean we're in the same class?" she ask, squealing. "Well..unfortunately..we are.." I said laughing and start running till I reach the corridor. "Hey..! Tsk..just you wait Kei!" she shouted and runs after me.

2A-1. "Oh..this must be our class then." said Lucy when she sees that. I only nod and slide the door open. Looking around for seats and sigh when the one that's left is at the back of the class and reluctantly I go there and Lucy follows and mumbles. As I sit on the chair and put my stuff on the table, my classmates when to my table and asked me the same questions as Lucy and I reply the same way as when I reply to Lucy. Then the bells rings and everyone quickly take their seats.

When the homeroom teacher step inside, I sigh. It is the scariest teacher in school and he is the homeroom for our class and I feel a shiver going down my spine. I look over to my side and I can see that my friend's face was pale and her body stiffen. After all that attendants, we were told to choose our president and vice-president. There were quite a few people who didn't participate which include me. But somehow it turns out to be me who were chosen to be the vice-president and Josh, the smart student in the school is the president.

Class then begins like usual. The teachers for each subjects are the same as last year but only a few that is new. We the upper class had to remember last year's lesson and the quiz was gonna be on today, the first day of school. Lucy was shock to hear that and I could almost hear her swear and glare at me for not telling her all about it. I only smile and said sorry also promise her to buy her food after school which eventually she forgives me in return that I had to teach her in just 2 hours.

When the bell rang for lunch everyone happily runs out. Lucy and I on the other side were laughing and having fun seeing everyone faces. Though we follow them from the back but not rushing like them since we both packed our lunch and straightly we went to our usual seat. Looking around while eating my lunch and talking to my best friend, I could really feel that I'm back home and I can't help but smile. "Such a creep.." said Lucy, poking my cheek. " know I just feel like I'm finally at home.." She nods agreeing with me. Before we went back I suddenly feel someone staring at me and when I look at it, there's nothing. 'Must be my imagination.' I thought.

That afternoon as promise, Lucy and I stop at our favourite shop after school. She ordered lots of food and I just sigh but smile since it's been awhile. After all the chatting and stuff we went our separate ways. Just before I went home, I stop at a mini market to buy foods for the next few days. While shopping, I still could feel that someone is staring at me. Once again, I turn around and it's gone. So I just continue and hurried back. But then, I saw a tall figure standing in front of my house. "Who..are you? What do you want?" I ask. The figure just look at me and start walking towards me. And I saw his face.

The tall figure is very white like snow but have a very handsome features except that he looks a bit scary and rude. The time around us seems like it has stop and the air suddenly feels so cold. Even the sky looks slightly grey as if its gonna rain any moment. "Hey..stop faking on being a human and come back." said him. I stare in confusion and before I could ask. He had disappear and everything seems to go back to normal. Feeling scared, I quickly go inside and lock everything. I didn't feel like eating so I just change and went to bed. But I couldn't go to sleep, the words that he told me keep replaying inside my head. 'Come back? Where? And what does he mean by stop faking on being a human?'

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