Chapter 8

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The whistle blow and at the same time the referee had thrown the ball up in the air, both of the center have jumped and fighting over the ball. I had never doubt Lucy's strength but as I told her earlier, if she can't reach it then she had to quickly run back to us but since she know what to do even if I didn't tell her that. Nonetheless she didn't told me be quiet but she just nod, maybe she knew that the height was not her best features.

So as we expected, Lucy's couldn't take the ball as she was pushed by Courtney and her height wasn't helping her but thanks to that her quick reflex as she landed really fast and quickly helped us defends with the opponent team coming their way. "Lucy! Go and help Irene and Mel at the back. Rose and I can cover the front." I shouted, and for a second there I thought I saw her iris shrink,  as if she wanted to argued but she quickly run to Irene and Mel's aid with a nod. 'Lucy..' I shakes my head and concentrate on what was coming ahead, Amy's team was driving towards really fast and for a moment there I doubted myself but I promise myself that I would do my best for my last match. So I take my stance,opening my arms wide as defend their attacks that's coming our way.

'As a captain..this is my duty even if it's my last one, I should do my best so that our team would win against them.'

"Everyone get ready. They're coming!" I exclaimed and once again were all put our best to defend it.

Rose and I gave our best to defend our side of the court, we did struggle a lot but that's fine since I really want to slow them down first before they get fired up. "You really are stubborn eh Kei?" asked Amy annoyedly, controlling the ball in her hands. I smirk, "Well I can't let you off that easily right? after all that moves you gave me last time we battled." I replied, blocking her way, even trying to see her fake moves. "Tch..You're such a revengeful person.." insulted her and I smile.

"Amy! What are you doing?! Pass it here!" exclaimed one of her team mates, wearing glasses. I turned to look at the person before turning back to look at her and I found that she gritted her teeth and mumble like, "Damn it.. I don't need your help, annoying girl." But she did give it to her anyway, without even looking at her team mates as she makes a quick pass, "Next time, I will show you how its done." she said, coldly before running back to her place, giving that glasses girl time to score.

Before we could even block her, she had already push the ball towards the hoop and it went in, just in a blink of second. "It's okay, don't worry! We can do this!" I said, encouraging my team mates, who looks upset that we didn't make the first basket. I give them all a pat on the back, they all nods and inhaled a deep breaths. "Okay, let's start this battle!" shouted Lucy, excitedly and all of us shouted back and even our team mates join in, pumping our spirit back up.

As the second game start, and it's our time to attack, I give all my team mates time to score, passing the ball back to all of them back and forth till we reach the semi-half circle. We were standing in a U-shape like Lucy had planned but unfortunately, they also thought of that and sadly we're trapped in our own idea. They were all being blocked by the opponents and I had no choice but to give to Lucy no matter what since, she have the minimum chances to score. Although she give me those stare but I can't help but take a step-back and passed it to her.

Like we practiced, she caught the ball in time before Courtney had it off. I give her a small smile, promising her that she could do it since someone is persistent to stop whatever I was gonna do so I had no choice but to give to her. Lucy had lots of gifts in basketball, unlike me, she had the ability to shoot in the corners, also a three-pointer and lastly a great stamina to run non-stop. I, well of course had some of those ability but one thing for sure, I am the worst for corners so that's why I believe that she could do it.

My eyes for that moment are focused on her and her only, there is like 10 more second till our times are over but still, no matter what she still had not give up yet, giving her all her best, bending her knees low before leaping up in the air, doing her best shot form, both hands tightly holding the ball as she jumped and just before her feet touches the ground she gently pushed it forward, the ball slowly flew, rolling in the air and just before the time ended, it went in, a clean shot that is. And before we celebrate it, all of us, quickly run down to our positions, giving each others a high-five while we're at it.

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