Chapter 12

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After the movie ended, I quickly rose up from my seat and rush out. My whole body was shaking throughout the horror story. I inhaled a deep breath to keep my pulse steady and even jump like used to before the match start but none of it work. Instead I feel the eyes of the others weirdly staring at me and mumbling something but nonetheless I ignore it.

"How could you leave me alone like that!" Exclaimed Lucy after she finally caught up to me.


"Giving me a silent treatment are you?"


"At least you didn't scream," she stifled a laugh.

I raised my eye brow and cross arms, "Cheer up! I'll treat you, your favourite latte alright?" she sling her arm around me.

"That's a definite, " I reply sarcastically.

She smile as we walk arms in arms to the cafe and giggling as we go.


15 minutes later, we arrive at our favourite cafe,  happily we skipped into it. At the same time, inhaling the fresh brew coffee scent around the room and I can't help it but smile. "This is much better."

"Welcome," greeted the staff at the counter. I look up and he was really tall and very handsome. Not to mention a great build as well and I return him with a small smile.

"What can I get you two today?" he asked.

Lucy nudge my elbow, "Order anything you like."

I turn to her with a grin, "You mean it right? Don't take it back okay?"

She nodded, "Yes so hurry up."

With that I look at the cake and cookie stands, Hm..What should I get?  Cookies or cakes?  I contemplated as I pace back and forth. Then finally I went back to her, looking at the handsome staff, "Three white chocolate chip cookies and.." I look at the menu behind him, "And one ice blended latte with lots of whip cream please." I said.

He types in and turn to Lucy who was sighing through out the way, "One cheesecake and one ice coffee please," she ordered.

"Okay," he typed in and calculate before looking back at us, "that would be £15.50."

Lucy take out her purse and paid.

"Please wait at the table," he said kindly, and we smile.

After that we both went out to our favourite seats outside the cafe, enjoying the cool breeze nipping against our skin. I leaned  back and stretch my arms upwards, "This feels great right?"

"I know right. It had been what? Nearly two weeks since we hangout like this," she reply.

I bit my lip at her words, I'm sorry for making you worry like this Lucy..

"Anyway, did you know that both Jake and Leo acted very differently these days," said Lucy , snapping me out of my thought.

"What do you mean different? Did they do something bad to someone?" I asked, sitting up straight in my chair.

Before Lucy could reply a waitress came with our food and drinks, "Enjoy your food, Miss."

"Thank you," we reply, giving her a smile.

When the waitress went inside, we continue our chat. "You're so harsh on them. What makes you think they did something bad?" she ask.

I shrug, "Well you're the one who put it that I thought that they did something bad."

She laughs and sip her ice coffee, "No, it's just that they look like a very different people than before you know.." She trailed.

I tilt my head, "How different?"

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