Chapter 20: Scarred and Hurt

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~ Part 1 ~

Jake P.O.V

That night I couldn't sleep and so was Leo. We talk for a bit and decided to walk around the house as we feel like something is about to happen. This uneasiness began after I left Lucy with the unconscious Kei whom will wake up anytime soon and it might be a bit worrisome when that happen. And while both of us taking a sip of the drink that take from the fridge, we heard a loud noise and what's worse is that it came with a loud, familiar scream afterwards. Leo and I look at each other and stop what we were doing. Lucy! Please be safe..!

Both Leo and myself run upstairs and break down the door. The minutes we both step inside, I was half-froze in my place as I see unconsciously Lucy, laying on the bed with tears streaming down her cheeks while Kei keep on sucking her blood. I didn't realized that I was clenching my fist until Leo nudge my rib, snapping me out of my thought. 

"Get a grip, she's not dying." scold Leo, giving me the death glare.

I nodded, "S-sorry..-" I reply looking at him before making a move towards the two.

I decided to move quiet close to them and like we plan, Kei shots her heads up and growl at me with her dark grey eyes glaring at me. I was taken aback for a second before pulling myself together and growling at her back. I've got to save her! She can't go through like this..! I can't let both of them grow apart because of this..!

As expected she feel threaten and started to grab Lucy's body close to her but I just held my gaze with her. And right at that moment, when Kei's attention is fully on me, Leo tackled her down and with all his strength he hold her while I take this chance and pick Lucy's up in a bridal style and run to my room as fast I could. Just as leave the room, I could hear things being breaking and growling but I keep on looking straight as Lucy's pulse starting to get weak.


I quickly put Lucy's down on the bed, gently as I could and began to wipe the remaining blood on her neck with a cloths on the table side before I went to take the first-aid kit and putting a bandage around her neck. After finish treating the wounds, I plop down, inhaling and exhaling as many  deep breath as I can while trying to calm my vampire side from attacking her because of her sweet scent.

It takes a good one hour to calm myself down as her blood scent was lingering around the room and also the corridor.  Knowing that her pulse is slowly getting normal when I hold her fragile hand, I sigh of relief. I don't know why but seeing her sleeping face like this makes me want to kiss her even though its not my first time seeing her like this. 

"I'm sorry Lucy.. I should've stayed with you.." I started to apologize as I stroke her soft, smooth hair. "I hope you're not afraid of us like you said.."

I don't know why I started babbling but I can't help but to think that it was my fault that I leave her with Kei in that condition.. I don't want to admit this but I guess somehow I really miss her bright smile and laugh that always makes my heart feels so warm.


Lucy P.O.V

When I open my eyes, I realised that I was in a different room, the ceiling was lighter than the previous one. One thing for sure, my neck somehow feel so painful that my hand unconsciously find itself on the wound which suddenly brings me back to last night. I let out a cry and a figure who I didn't notice was right beside me suddenly awake and his alarm face really didn't help.

"W-what happen Lucy? Does it hurt?" He asked, his hand was about to touch my painful neck which I close my eyes and cowered back.

Although I had anticipate the coldness of his touch, it didn't come. I slowly open my eyes and see that his hand stop mid-air and he has this hurtful expression plastered on his face. Suddenly feeling bad, look down and was about to say something but..

"I'm sorry.." He apologized suddenly.

I look at him, puzzled by his action and quickly shaking my head, "N-no.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to do that.." I reply as I grip the blanket tightly and pulling it close to my chest.


Suddenly the atmosphere in the room became sappy and silent cover us over. A lot of things was running through my head but I couldn't find myself to say it so instead I bit my inner lip to stop the thoughts from making the atmosphere even more gloomy.

"You don't need to apologize.. It was my fault for leaving you and making you go through like that.." He confesses and when I look up at him, I can see that his hands were in a fist and they were shaking so bad that I couldn't help but look away.


"You're not afraid of us are.. you?" He asked, making me turn to face him and our face was so close that I could see his beautiful eyes and other features closely.

"You're not afraid of us are.. you?" He asked once again, making me snap out of it.

"What are you talking about? Why should I be afraid of you guys?" I ask, feeling confused and uneasy.

"Then.. why are you not looking at me while saying it?" He reply, making my heart sink and I slowly look at him. "I don't blame you, you know.. You deserve to be scared of us.. I mean we're different from the others and not to mention dangerous..-"

"I.. The truth is I do- I am scared of you guys!" I reply, feeling the tears welled up inside. "But.. You're my friends, my important friends that is.. And just because you're different that doesn't change anything. I admit I was scared at first but you're not like that girl I met.. You guys didn't try to-" 

I started to sob and somehow, I can't stop it. I wanted to finish what I say but my heart-my stupid feelings won't let me. I ended, crying for the full 15 minutes. And he-Jake didn't even say anything or trying to make a joke which is weird but I'm grateful for it.

"I'm sorry for making you like this.." He apologized once again and stands up, "I'll leave you to clear your minds and everything.. And if you want a shower then feel free to do so," He continued as he turn his back to me and started to walk towards the brown door.

"Wait-..Don't leave me.." I reply, grabbing his sleeves which surprising both Jake and myself. I didn't know what comes over but the feeling of him leaving my side right now makes me scared. The sudden feeling of wanting him near grew bit by bit inside of me.

"Lucy..?" His face soften and realising that I am still grabbing his sleeves, makes me embarrassed and I quickly let go of it. 

"Sorry.. but please don't go.. I don't want to be alone.." I said, looking away, hiding the red face away from him. Although I know that he could have sense my rapid beating heart even if I tried to be calm.

"I understand," He reply short before taking his seats on the edge of the bed.



I'm sorry that it takes too long to update the chapter. I was planning to do it yesterday but something came up and I ended up forgetting it. And also I decided to do 2 parts for this chapter? or should I title? Anyway, I decided to that because I wanted you guys to see the four characters point of view..

I hope you will anticipate the chapter! ^^

Don't forget to comment and vote~ xx hehe

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