Chapter 22: Awkwardness and Guilt

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Leo decides that we had waste enough time in the room that we need to head down for breakfast or else we will starve. I only nodded since my head was still a bit fuzzy after all of that weird thing he said and did. We walk through the dark hallway with me sticking close to him and he keep on looking at me every few minutes as if he scared I would go missing. Although I feel embarrassed everytime our eyes met but I still feel comfortable with him.

When Leo and I was about  to go down the stairs, we bump into Jake and Lucy. I would have said something but no words come out though I look at them with a small smile and at the same time, looking if any of them had any bruises like Leo. And thank goodness Jake didn't have anything on him but my heart pang at the sight of the bandage at Lucy's neck and even when I try to make an eye contact with her, she either look down or hide behind Jake. I would find it cute if this wasn't the case but I do feel a bit hurt that she didn't look back at me, the way she use to even if we got into a fight.

"Woah.. Leo you look--" stated Jake surprised when they step closer to us but stop mid-sentence but I wonder why he stop. Though I think its because of Leo since he had this panic expression before it turn into a playful one again.

I guess I did really scare them..

"Are you okay?" asked Leo, making jump a bit.

"N-nothing.." I reply, shaking my head.


"Ah! Why don't you girls go down first while me and Leo get ready," suggest Jake after the long silence.

I look up at Leo, hoping that he will disagree but he only stroke my head and nods, saying as if there's nothing to worry about. I could also hear Jake persuading Lucy at the other side and I can't help but understand her. Who wouldn't be scared to suddenly go with someone who almost tried to kill them, right?

However, Lucy and I somehow walk down the flight of stairs together. I could even hear Jake shouting from the top saying, "There's an orange juice in the fridge so feel free to drink it or we will be there in a minute so please wait or something like that.." I only sigh and make my way down safely with Lucy trailing behind me. 

"I'll go and take the drinks so take a seat.." I said to her without looking at her. Knowing that she would avoid my gaze anyway.


I went to the kitchen and open a cupboard to take a few cups before going to the fridge to take the juice. After I finish filling the cups, I went to the table and set one cup in front of her before putting my own at the opposite side.


On the other side, Leo and Jake takes turn to clean themselves up and wear a new pairs of shirts and shorts. Just as Leo was about to go out, Jake calls out to him and he had no choice but to stop and listen to his annoying bestfriend.

"Let me treat that," Jake offered.

Leo look at him blankly and shrug, "It'll be fine, don't worry about it."

Jake sigh and poke at his wound, showing him there's a bit of blood, "Fine? You even flinch when I touch bro," he said. "so sit down and let me put some ointment on it."

Leo glare at him but sit anyway, "Did you forget that we're vampire?"

"Even vampire has to treat their wounds, stupid." Reply Jake, while taking out some ointment and a plaster. "Do you really want the princess to worry about you like this?"

Leo scowl at him, "Shut up and just hurry. I don't want to make her wait."

Jake shakes his head, "You know, stop being so cold and just accept that you like her. I can even see your relationship with her has been great. So don't play push and pull with my cousin 'kay?"

Leo didn't say anything and only look away. Jake once again sigh at his friend before finishing  by putting on the plaster hard at his head.

"That hurt stupid..!" shouted Leo, making Jake rolled his eyes and walks to the first aid-kit box, ignoring his friend.

"Anyway I'm going but Jake, don't you dare say anything when we get down understand?" warn Leo.

Jake put his hand up in surrender after he finish putting the box away, "You have my word so lets go.."


Meanwhile Lucy and I just stare at our drinks, neither of us making approach to talk. Couples of minutes passes by and I can't help but forcing myself to speak up. I bit my lips before inhaling few deep breaths.

"Lucy, I'm--"

"Kei.. Listen I--"


I look up at see that she is also looking at me and we both just stare at each other, surprise that both of us decided to speak up and not mention it was at the same time. We once again stay quiet for few minutes before the laughs started to fill in our bodies. Lucy and I keep on laughing until both of us had tears in ours eyes and when we look up, we could not help but give each other a smile.

"You can go first Lucy.." offered Kei, smiling brightly at her friend.

"No you first Kei," said Lucy.

I shakes my head, "No Lucy.. I want you to go first."

She huff and pouting before giving me a small smile, "Fine.. Well let see.." trailed Lucy, her finger playing around the rim of the cup. "I wanted to say sorry to you. I know that I hurt your feeling just now and I know that I shouldn't have done it because I know that you wouldn't have hurt me like this."

"Lucy.." I started to feel that the tears are piling up inside of me.

"No, its true. I saw that you were fighting that thing. Its just that it was so strong and then.. But-! That doesn't mean that you hurt me you know! I--"

By this time, I started to laugh, whenever she stutter it means that she really sincere about it and I can't help but hug her.

"Lucy..I'm really thankful that you understand me but I wanted to apologize for what happen no matter what. I hope you forgive me." I pull away and look at her neck and back at her. 


"I'm sorry.." I trail looking down, the guilt inside of me suddenly increase and I can't help but want to run away.

"Idiot..! I told you already didn't I?" she punch my shoulder and I look at her and was shock to see that she was crying.

"Why are you..crying..?"

"Because of you slow poke! I told you didn't I! It wasn't your fault so don't apologize with that sad face.. I have already forgive you.. you know don't put it all in you.. I was at fault too.."


"Lucy.. you so..-" My vision went blurry because of the tears and both started to cry so hard that I know that both Jake and Leo can hear us but it doesn't matter because both us had finally speak out what we wanted to say.


15 minutes pass and both of us started to look at each and laughs because of our teary face and nose.

"You look so ugly Kei! Hahaha.." stated Lucy holding her tummy.

"Talking to yourself I see..? Your nose is hideous!" I poke her red nose and laughs.


We both started to chase each other and laughs at the same time. But that moment stop when Jake and Leo suddenly came down though Leo had his usual poker face but Jake was laughing his butt off when they pass us to go to the kitchen.

"Shut up Jake!" Both of us shouted, making him laugh even more.

Jake was about to say something when Leo's hand wrap around his neck dragging him away, "Let's cook. I'm sure they're already hungry."

Just as Leo finish his sentences, someone stomach growl-the boys turn around and stare while us girls look away in embarrassment. 


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