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        The familiar voice was soon accompanied by the screeching laughter of the Mustang full of Socs slowing down beside me.

       "Get lost, panty wads." I drawl, not even bothering to give them a look.

      "Make us, grease." Tommy yells from the driver's side, a childish snarl climbing up his acne-covered face.

     The pack of chihuahuas go hysterical at his remark, rolling down the windows and pointing at me stupidly, as if I had been smacked on the behind.

     I stop, cocking my eyebrow as I stare for dramatic effect.

      I already knew what I was going to do to these idiots, and they weren't going to like it. But that's okay. They had never the likeable type.

     And come to think of it, I had never been either. 

     "Okay." I say simply, flipping out my long, freshly sharpened switchblade in one fluid motion. 

     Taking one step towards the Mustang, I take a quick look to the backseat and flash a sympathetic smile before I look to Tommy, sitting with a smirk on his lips.

     I hold the blade in the air once more for dramatic effect, dragging it out for as long as I can.

     "Oh my gosh, I'm so scared. Someone call my mommy!!" The one sitting in the passenger seat squeals, throwing his hands up in the air.

     "Hah, yeah..." I smile. "You'll be needing your mommy's money after this." 

       I drive the blade into the side of the passenger door with all the strength inside of me, dragging downwards slowly. 

     It makes a wonderous, lovely squall of victory.

      Tommy screams, and the Soc sitting behind the door I stabbed had basically thrown himself on top of Tommy. 

    The backseat was silent.

      I smiled, cynically. "Glad to see you got the grades up, Tommy..." 

     He stares, a pathetic expression contorting his features.

      "Now, get lost." I reiterate. 

      Tommy gets out of the Mustang, walking towards me with heavy footsteps. The other Soc follows, ganging up on me.

      "Oh, no. The sissy babies are going to attack me. I'm so scared." I drawl, flipping the switchblade skillfully in between my fingers. 

    I wasn't scared, but I was a little apprehensive. I had never been in a real fight before, and I'd heard soc girls at the diner talk about how they'd seen their boyfriends punch greasers out cold.

   "Nah, you ain't doing this to me, Diana." Tommy whines, walking up to me.

     I scoff. "Why not? Did you finally put on your big boy pants and wanna fight, Tommy?"

     The soc that had come out the car with Tommy wailed animalistically, throwing a punch at me that I barely dodged. 

    But I simply smiled, whipping around and kicking him in the groin as hard as I could, sending him to the ground. 

    I turned, just about to lay into Tommy when out of the corner of my eye I see a figure dressed in a leather jacket and jeans running towards me.

   "Huh, Tommy? Finally man up?" I turn my gaze back to Tommy, waving my blade in front of him.

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