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    "So," I took a deep breath. "L.A., huh?"

    "Yeah." Carolyn said, softly. "Gonna be a big change."

    "Well..." I began. "Change can be good."

    "I don't know," We stepped across the desolate sidewalk. "Don't seem that way."

     "It never does at first..."

      She just kept quiet, so I continued. 

    "Look, I'm sure L.A.'s better off than here. I mean, look at this place. Nobody can hardly look at the other without sayin' Oh, there's a Grease. Or that's a soc."

   "You think so?" She asked.

   "I don't know how it could be worse, honestly." I laughed.

   "What if it is?" I could almost hear the pain in her voice. "I mean, I won't have Jay's to go to everyday after school, and then we'd be in this is brand new house..."

   "What if it's not?" I countered.

    She merely stared, expectantly.

   "We're graduating this year..." I paused. "And so, that gives you a good chance of goin' to one of those good, Ivy League colleges in California."

   "Aw, I ain't that smart..." She mumbled.

   "Plus, even if you don't like it out in L.A., Tulsa'll always be here for ya if you ever wanna come back." I said, trying to stay positive. "Jay's will still be here, Will Rodger's High'll still be here..."

   She smiled. "Yeah, you're right..."

   "And don't tell me you ain't smart enough to get into one of them universities." I rolled my eyes. "You have a 4.0 grade point average. That's more perfect than the dictionary."

   Carolyn laughed, guiltily. "Okay, alright."

    It got quiet for a moment, the breeze scraping the leaves across the pavement.

    "You'll do fine..." I shrugged. "I mean, you've dealt with me this long I don't know how anything could get to ya' now..."

   "Oh, blast it, Diana." She laughed, giving me a shove.

   "I'm not wrong!" I joined in the laughter. "And we both know it."

    "You're pretty awful, I'll say that." She answered, giving me a playful smirk. "Your attitude is sometimes 'bout as sharp as that blade of yours."

    "I'm told that pretty often..." I laughed. "Just not that nice."

    "You've got quite the reputation..." 

     I smirked. "I sure do." 

    We arrived at our usual parting place much faster than I had anticipated. 

   "You'd better be gettin' home, Diana..." Carolyn shivered. "It's gettin' late."

    I looked around, absentmindedly wrapping my arms around me. "Yeah, you're right."

   "See ya," she waved, beginning to walk away. "Oh, and.."

    I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah?"

   "Thanks." She paused, although her face looked as if she wanted to say something else. 

   "No problem." I answered, nonchalantly. "I'll see ya' around."

   "See ya'."

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