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    Darry, Soda and Ponyboy were all in the house by the time I made it to the porch.

     I was a little dizzy and my feet felt like bricks while I trudged up the steps. I had to keep telling myself to breathe easy, but that seemed to be a slow process that I didn't have the patience for.

    When I closed the front door behind me, all I seemed to think about was Johnny and Dal. 

     I kept on trying to remind myself about how Ponyboy was alright, and how Darry and Sodapop didn't have to worry anymore...but that didn't really seem to help much.

     I heard the boys' muffled voices in Pony's room as I walked to mine at the end of the hallway. 

     It made me smile as I thought of how relieved they all were, but as I sat down on the edge of the bed, all I wanted to do was cry.


     I heard a soft knock on the door and Darry's voice along with it.

     "Can I come in?"

     I looked up, gathering all the composure I could muster. But when I saw his face, the expression he held was so kind and calm...

     I began to cry.

     "Oh, Diana." I felt his weight sink into the mattress beside me, his arms pulling me towards him. "Hey, baby it's alright..."

     I noticed that was the first time he'd ever called me baby. As I sat here, breaking down in front of him. He called me baby.

     I felt him rest his head on mine as I leaned into his chest and closed my eyes.

      We didn't say anything, nor did we try to. We became lost in each other's thoughts. Well, I wouldn't say lost...

    We were just secure in the luxury of understanding.

     It was quiet for a moment.

    "You guys are all I've got." I whispered through a sob. "And I'm scared..." 

    "Of what?"

    I could barely speak my throat was so tight.

    "Of losing them..." My voice cracked.

     "We ain't gonna lose 'em." He rocked me back and forth. "Johnny and Dal are probably the strongest of us all, Diana."

    I nodded, accepting the fact.

     "One day at a time..." He whispered. "You just gotta take these things one day at a time."

     Darry squeezed my hand gently.

      "And I think you've had enough for today, sweetheart." He kissed my forehead. "You need to sleep. You're exhausted."

      I didn't want to sleep. I didn't want to think about it at all. But there was something about the way he so calmly consoled me that made sleep sound pretty nice.

      I closed my eyes and felt his face next to mine as he kissed my cheek and turned out the light.

      And what I had anticipated to be a night of restless turmoil turned out to be quite the placid and restful slumber.

     The next morning, I awoke to a series of celebratory howls ringing through the walls.

       Sunlight streamed happily through the curtains as I opened my eyes fully. It took a while for them to accept the brightly glow, although I contemplated rolling over and going back to sleep.

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