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    I tore out of the house.

   The night air was cold and wet, seemingly sticking to my throat as I sprinted down the street.

   My legs awoke with a stiffening fire as I continued down the block, but I didn't care. I didn't care. I didn't care.

   I kept running.

   The gang's faint voices called out to me as I rounded the corner, my feet slipping on the slick puddle that shone with moonlight.

  I stumbled forward, catching myself on my palms. The pavement dug into my skin, the sensation feeling hot and itchy.

  "Diana!" Darry screamed, frantically. "Diana hold up!"

   I could barely hear him. My ears heard nothing but the sound of the suffocating beat of my heart. It was so loud. It was so loud.

  The lot came into view as I continued to stride down the street. A misty haze covered the grass and the lone oak tree that had been there my entire life.

  That motivated me to move faster. I thrust my legs forward, ignoring the pain that was consuming my calves and tearing away at my hips.

   The police sirens shrieked in the distance, the veil of mist concealing the dreaded reds and blues.

   Tears stung my eyes.

  Keep going. 

   Keep going.

   Run, Diana.

   The voices behind me were getting closer, but the sirens were too. I couldn't slow down now.


    Where was he?

   Darry said he would be here...

    I felt the softness of the grass contrast from the pavement as I crossed onto the lot's vast array of space.

    My lungs were threatening to close on me.

  I couldn't stop.

   I didn't stop.

   I begged my eyes to search for his figure. Where was he?

   The sirens were close now. They wailed and screamed just out of earshot, and through the mist I began to see the cars materialize.

   Then I saw him.

   I wanted to scream his name, but my lungs cried in agony.


   My heart leapt as I heard a gunshot disperse the quiet of the night.

   He was getting closer to me.

   He hadn't been shot.

   But as I began to close the gap between us, he held out his arm towards the cops that were marching towards him.

  And in his very own hand was a heater.

  His face met mine as I bounded towards him.

  The expression he held was one of pure desperation. It was a desperate plea for death. He wanted to die. He wanted to die.

   It was plastered all over his shadowed eyes.

   He stared at me as I approached him, his arm lowering as disbelief flooded his face.

   "Dallas..." I rasped.

   He slowed as I finally caught up to him, but my mind was already locked on the police officer that had his gun held high.

   I knew what he was about to do.

  I knew it.

   The gunshot rang out.

   Using every ounce of strength left inside of me, I leapt in front of Dally.

    And I didn't have to wait long.

   The bullet tore through me.

   It was a rippling sensation that was so sudden I didn't even scream. But it had felt so clean, so easy. Like it just glided through my flesh. 

   I'd expected it.

   I hit the ground so hard my breath left me for a moment.

   Someone's hands were on my arms in an instant, a grip strong enough that it felt as if my bones were breaking. I knew who it was. He whispered my name. Feverishly. Pleadingly. 

   It was all Dallas could say.

  "Hands up!" A voice rang out above me. "Drop the gun! Hands up!"

  The world started to turn blotchy. I felt his grip loosen and let go.

  I tried to open my eyes to see what had happened. But they seemed so heavy. Everything seemed so heavy. So heavy...

  "Somebody call an ambulance!" A distant voice yelled.

   I closed my eyes.

   It started to hurt.

   And it burned.

  I wanted to scream.

   I writhed on the ground, gripping my shoulder as the hot liquid seeped and slid through my fingers. My mind couldn't figure it out. All it could tell me was pain. Pain.

   "Oh, Diana." Darry stumbled beside me, turning me over to see his face. "Stay with me, baby...stay awake..."

   "Is he...okay..." I could barely speak. "Dallas..."

  "Diana, stay..." Darry's voice was shaky. "Stay with me."

   He didn't answer my question. That scared me. It made me mad.

   A siren sounded in the distance.

   It hurt.

  Oh, God help me.

   Pain shot down my arm and down my back as Darry shook me. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

   The shouts of my name faded into a muffled oblivion.

   And then the world went black.

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