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~ Epilogue ~

Five Years Later...

   "Alright," Darry began. "Almost there."

   I noticed a giddy joy lacing his words as I was guided to wherever he said this "surprise" was supposed to be.

   "Okay, just a few more steps and we'll be there..."

   I kept my fingers pressed against my eyelids. His gentle grip on my arm tightened and released as our steps began to slow down.

   "You ain't peekin' are ya'?" He laughed, lightheartedly.

   I smiled. "No peekin'."

   "Okay..." He pauses, letting go of my arm. "You ready?"



    I looked up, not really having an idea what to expect, but what I saw before me was much better than I could have ever imagined.

   It was a house.

   "Well?" He asked quietly, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "What do ya' think?"

   Elation began to bubble up inside, forming the words for me.

   "I love it." I smiled. "It's perfect."

   I leapt into his arms, feeling him spin me around by the waist. A joyful laughter escaped my lips as the wind sailed through my ears.

   He set me down, eagerly reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a shiny gold key.

   "She's all yours, darlin'."

   I felt the cool metal in my hands as I walked up the driveway, turning back to look at Darry smiling at me like we had just won the lottery.

   It sure did feel that way.

   "How'd you get it?" I asked, twisting the key in the lock.

   "My boss knew a guy that was trying to sell for a decent price," He smiled. "Thought I'd take the opportunity."

   The house had a spacious front porch that wrapped around the whole place, big windows and a beautiful oak front door. The brick was in good shape too, with pretty blue shutters on the outside.

   I pushed open the front door into the house's foyer, all the more excitement igniting inside of me.

   "So, he said it was a four bedroom, two-bath house..." He began, moving past me. "There's the kitchen and the living room's right there."

   He pointed to the vast array of space as if he was a realtor.

   Our voices echoed through the empty house, bouncing happily off the walls that would soon be filled with photographs and paintings.

   "This is wonderful, Darry." I smiled, looking up and around the place. "This is perfect..."

   "I think so too." He returned my smile. "C'mon, let's go see the rest of the house."

   I followed him down a small hallway to the first two bedrooms. They were both about the same size with big windows and smooth hardwood floors.

   "Good sized bedrooms, I think," He looked around the last one over before turning out the lights. "We'd definitely have room to spare if anybody needed somewhere to stay."

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