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   Awareness crept up on me as I opened my eyes.

   The lights above me were so bright they felt blinding, and a startling scent of chemicals and bleach flooded my nostrils. There was also a pinching sensation at my wrist...

   Where was I?

   My thoughts were nulled and slow, refusing to allow any kind of recollection as to why I was here. As I began to take deeper breaths, there seemed to be a heaviness pressing down on the inside of my chest.

   "Diana?" A soft voice spoke.

   I turned my head to see Ponyboy, a sharp pain shooting down my neck.

   "What's goin' on." I grimaced, sounding hoarse.

   "You got shot." He stated, bluntly. "Take a look at your arm."

   I tracked my eyes to where he pointed, taking a few moments to piece together what he had said. My right arm was bandaged from my knuckles all the way up to my armpit, cradled comfortably in a sling.

   "The doctor said the bullet fractured your collarbone and then hit your chest wall. They had to do emergency surgery to get it out, but he said that you should be healed up in about six weeks." He looked out the window. "You've been out for three days."

   "Shot?" I asked. "By who?"

   "The cops..." Ponyboy sounded tired. "They told Darry that they'd been aimin' for Dallas but shot you by accident."

   I looked down at the white sheets and then around the room, trying to wrap my mind around what he was telling me.

   "Why were they aimin' at Dallas?"

   "He was runnin' from 'em." Ponyboy shrugged. "Guess the only way they knew to get him to quit was shootin' at him..."

   "Is he alright?" My lips were so dry.

   "Locked up." He sighed. "Gets out in a month."

   I closed my eyes, leaning my head back against the pillows.

   "He's tore up about everythin'." Pony continued. "I ain't never seen him that way before in my life."

   A wave of sadness came over me as I began to recall all that had happened.

   Johnny was dead, I remembered. And Johnny was the only thing Dallas had ever deeply cared about.

   The memory of his eyes begging for death made more sense as I replayed it all, remembering the nights at Jay's when Dallas had talked about how proud he was of Johnny...

   And now he was gone.

   "Darry's a wreck, y'know that." Ponyboy half-smiled. "He's come up here every night to check on ya' since you got shot. Barely eats, barely sleeps. Shoot, I don't think he's slept in three days."

   "Oh, gosh..." I whispered.

   "He'll be here in a few minutes," Ponyboy looked at the clock. "Just got off work."

   "It'll be good to see him..." I tried to laugh but it hurt to even breathe.

   "Believe me, he'll be more happy to see you than anything else."

   Soon enough, the doctor came in, telling me all that had happened and how long it would take for me to recover afterwards. He seemed pretty irritated with me for some reason, although I didn't know why. I hadn't even smart-mouthed him yet.

   "We're going to have to keep you here for a few more days to monitor everything, but after that you should be discharged and headed home." He concluded. "Any questions?"

   Ponyboy and I both shook our heads, and he left without another word.

   "You feelin' okay?" Pony asked. "I don't know if I can get you anything but..."

   I nodded, although I still felt exhausted enough to fall back asleep where I was. My chest felt better though, and I wanted to see Darry when he came in.

   It was painful enough being able to remember the look on his face that night, the way he spoke to me like he was about to lose me. I couldn't shake it. It gave me a haunting feeling every time I thought about it.

   We waited a few more minutes before Darry finally showed. I had told Ponyboy to go meet him at the door so he'd be a little offguard before he saw me.

   "How's she doing..." I could hear him talking to Ponyboy behind the corridor. It felt so good to hear him again.

   "I'd say she's doin' better..." Ponyboy smiled at me as they entered the room. "Why don't you see for yourself?"

   He stopped short the moment he saw me.

   I grinned at him, noticing that his eyes were just as blue as they were up close. And in his gaze there was all the comfort and insight than I would ever need. I grinned at him, knowing I wouldn't be the woman I am today without his guidance.

   I grinned because I loved him.

   "Well?" I said. "Are you gonna just stand there with ya' mouth wide open or are you gonna do something."

   He walked to me, taking long, quick strides with a firm sureness in his steps.

   Quickly, he took my face in his hands, gently bringing my lips to his before pulling away to look me in the eyes.

   "Don't ever scare me like that again." He was breathless. "Not ever again."

   He kissed me once more before I had the chance to answer, tenderly caressing my cheek as he did so. I brought my good hand up and behind his neck, gently placing my fingers in the softness of his hair.

   He pulled back again, this time with tears in his eyes.

   "I love you." He laughed sweetly, the tears falling as he smiled. "I love you so much, Diana..."

   His eyes said more than words ever could, and I hoped mine conveyed the same message that his did.

   "I love you, Darrel Curtis." I said, making my tone ardent. "And I don't know how you do it, but thank you for loving me."

   I kissed him this time. He smiled into my lips, a refreshing yet numbing sensation.

   And suddenly, all the pain I was feeling seemed to diminish into whims of a peaceful joy and happiness as we finally embraced the future.

   It had scared me before, thinking of it all...

   Now that was all I could do.

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