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     "Thank you, sir." 

      I exchanged the usual milkshake for the change in his hand.

    "Have a good night."

   He nodded a thank you and walked off. Finally, my shift was over and I could get outta here. Today had been a long day, and I had bigger things on my mind. 

   I gathered my things and waved off Carolyn, who was staying late for closing.

   The cold night air whipped my hair behind me as I pushed open the entrance's double doors. I felt the shiver spindle down my spine as I made my way to the pickup waiting on me.

   I opened the passenger door and climbed in, trying to quiet my chattering teeth.

   "It turned cold on us tonight, didn't it." Darry smiled over at me. "I brought you some coffee from the 24/7 down on fifth."

   I took the cup. "They always have the best coffee..."

  "Yeah, it's decaffeinated though." He chuckled. "Don't need another person bouncin' off the walls all night."

   I smiled as I felt the liquid warm my throat. "Thank you."

  "My pleasure." He pulled up to the main road.

   "Hey, can you drop me by the hospital for a few minutes..." I asked. "I want to see Dal and Johnny."

   He looked over at me like I needed reassurance.

  "You sure?"

  "Yes." I cocked an eyebrow at him. "I won't be long."

  "Alright, but..." He shifted uncomfortably. "Two-Bit said Johnny wasn't lookin' too good...and we've got the rumble tomorrow..."

  "I want to see them." I swallowed dryly. "I don't care how good they look."

  "Alright..." He ended it like he wanted to say something more.


  "You want me to go in with you?"

  "Only if you want to..." I shrugged. "You ain't got to."

   He nodded.

  "I ain't stayin' long no ways."

   "I know, but..."

  "Just come." I concluded. "They'd prolly wanna see you more than they do me."


   He was about as anxious as all of us were about Johnny and Dallas. He hid it better than anyone, but I still could see it surfacing in his eyes.

   When we got to the hospital, there weren't many cars in the parking lot and there seemed to be an eerie quiet in the air.

   I didn't like it.

  Maybe it was just my senses being heightened by the nervousness and anticipation building inside of me. 

   Or maybe everything was just as it seemed.

   I looked over at Darry who had his hands shoved in his coat pockets, walking in long strides down the hushed corridors. 

   The echoes of our footsteps seemed to be amplified as we approached the woman sitting at the desk at the end of the hall.

  "Good evening." She greeted. "Who're you lookin' for, sweetheart?"

  My heart was already aching with dread.

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