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     I stare at Darrel, who awaits response from Sodapop.

     "She needs you to drive her to the Doctor." He answers, entering back into the room to face his brother. 

     Darrel looks at me, his chiseled features contorted in confusion. "What Doctor?"

     "Dr. Treman. The one mom and dad used to take us to, right?"

      "I think that was it."

      "You remember how to get there?" Sodapop asks, rinsing his hands in the sink.

      "I think so. Had to take Pony a few times." Darrel replies, hanging up his coat on the rack. 

      I watch them speak to each other, perplexed as the conversation unfolded. I guess Sodapop noticed, because he answers the question silent in my brain.

     "Ponyboy's our little brother. He's fourteen. Sometimes we call em' Pony." He chuckles.

     I nod, watching Darrel turn back to look at me. 

     "Are you sick?" He asks, stepping closer to me.

      I shake my head. "I just need a ride. That's all."

     He sighs. "As you can probably see, we don't get a lot of women 'round here."

     "It's alright." I answer him quietly, locked in his blue-green eyes.

     The man towered over me, his shoulders broad and muscular.

     "How'd you get here? Live close by?"

     "It's kind of a long story..." I warn.

     "Ah, well, that's all I seem to hear around here anymore." He half-smiled. "Do tell." 

    "Okay, well...I got lost lookin' for a doc around town, y'know..." I cleared my throat and looked at the ground. "The DX was closest, and I was only going to ask for directions, but Steve and Soda were nice enough to lend a hand."

    "They didn't hurt you or nothin' did they?" 

     "No, sir." I felt like I was answering a drill sergeant by the way I said that. 

     "Good." He nods, looking me over. "Well, let me get changed into something more presentable and we can work somethin' out." 

     I nod. 

     As Darrel enters what I assume is his bedroom and closes the door, I suddenly feel as if I have become a burden to these boys. 

    Darrel looked so beat, but he was willing to oblige to my needs. 

    "I didn't mean to cause ya'll any trouble..." I start, looking to Sodapop, who was randomly eating a piece of chocolate cake at the counter.

    "Nah, you didn't cause us any trouble. Darry's just cranky." He chuckles, taking another bite of the cake. 

    That just made me feel worse.

    "Alright." Darrel stepped out of the room and walked to us. "You needed a ride?"

    He had changed into a blue t-shirt with jeans and a black denim jacket. 

   "Yep." I nodded. 

    "Alright, would you like anythin' to eat or drink while we're here?" He asks, running a comb through his shiny, dark hair as he looked into the small mirror on the wall.

   "No, thanks. I'm alright." I lied. 

    "Alright. Well..." He beckons to me. "Ready?"


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