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- Sanzu POV -

"I don't understand why I have to be here," I said as we stood outside of her room. "Because you were the cause of her crying." Ran said. "I don't deal with hysterical women," I reply as I crossed my arms. "You're apologizing. Boss already doesn't want her to be sad and you'll have a bullet through your head if you don't apologize." Koko said. I rolled my eyes. I didn't like how Mikey was slowly growing attached to her. I didn't think he would go soft for a kid, but she was lost like him. I'm only doing this for Mikey. 

"Let's just get this over with," I said as I walked into her room. "Sanzu, you can't just go into a teen girl's room!" Akashi shouts at me. "She's just hiding underneath her covers. Nothing to overreact." I frown. "A girl still needs her privacy." Koko frowns back. "Please stop fighting. . .I hate it." Her voice chimed in. We looked at her as she sat up from her bed. Holding a cat plush that Koko probably bought for her. "I'm sorry for causing problems for all of you. I don't want any of you to die. . .even if you kill other people. . ." She said. A few of us chuckle at her words. "You all gave me a place to stay even if it was by force. Still, I'm grateful that all of you try your best to keep me happy. Even though I know most of you aren't happy to have me around." She said. I rolled my eyes as Ran and Rindo looked at me. 

"I know no one wants to deal with a teen with so many emotions, especially a girl. I'm just a very sensitive person that I sometimes feel for the person that doesn't want to show their feelings. I still have a long way to learn about how to control my tears." She sighs and rubs the back of her head. I closed my eyes and sighed a bit before sitting on her bed. "When was the last time you saw your brother?" I ask her. She hugs her plush and looks down at her lap. "I was probably three or four. I don't remember much about what he looked like or what his name was." That was a bit over twelve years ago. "Sometimes I could hear his voice. . .'Kitten'. . .that was my nickname." She started to cry again and tried to hide them away. "I-I'm so envious of when people have older or younger siblings. . .because mine was taken away and I didn't know why. That's why I think you're so lucky to have an older brother still. Even if you guys fight, you both still ended back up together." She cried and tried to chuckle at the end. 

I don't like dealing with hysterical women. . .but I'll only do this once. I moved closer and hugged her. I ignored the other's looks. "There, there, shut up," I mutter to her as I patted her head. My eyes widen a bit as she hugged me back. I looked down at her and she smiles with her teary eyes. "You're not good at comforting people." She giggles. She rests her head against my chest. "But I thank you for it." She hums. I felt my heart warm up a bit. For a moment. . .it felt nice to feel this kind of warmth. "Group hug!" Ran smiles like an idiot as he runs toward us. "W-Wait- Ran-San!" (Y/n) shouts, but it was too late as he jumped on the bed with us. "Ran, you're going to crush her!" Koko shouts. Despite his shout, Ran pulled him into a 'hug'. It was more like a dog pile. "She's fine," Ran chuckles. "Right, (Y/n)-Chan?" She held out a thumbs up. "However, I will kick you if you touch me weirdly." She says. I laugh out loud and it was a genuine laugh. 

- Mikey POV -

Kakucho and I were walking up the stairs to see if everyone was in their rooms since they weren't downstairs. "Rindo, that's my hair!" I heard Koko shout. "Move out the way then!" Rindo shouts back. The shouts came from (Y/n)'s room. "Ran, I will kill you if even try to hug me!" Sanzu shouts. Mocchi stood at (Y/n)'s door and seemed to chuckle a bit. Kakucho and I looked inside to see them all on (Y/n)'s bed. It seemed like a dog pile. "What's going on here?" I ask. "Mikey-San!" (Y/n)'s hand popped out of the bodies. "Come join the group hug! You too, Kaku-San!" She motioned her hand like a puppet hand. Ran and Sanzu did the same. "Touch me and I kill you." Sanzu's hand said. Ran's hand slapped his, making Sanzu gasp. (Y/n) and the others erupted in laughter. 

I decided to join in and they made a way so I lay next to (Y/n). She smiles as she sees me. I held my hand out like hers. "Thank you for inviting me," I told her. "You're welcome." She then hugs me. It's been a while since I've been hugged. I hugged her back and I soon felt Sanzu hug me. Everyone hugged each other and it became a group hug. 

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