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"P-Please forgive my daughter, sir! She knows nothing about your daughter being yours! She should've treated your daughter with respect and not done something so rash! Please forgive us!" The man got on the ground and bowed. Crying and begging that he and his family would be spared from Bonten's wrath. Bonten wanted to kill the family or at least their daughter for hurting (Y/n). "F-Father, it's okay! There's no need to be so angry! I'm fine, please calm down. All of you." (Y/n) said as she knew what they would do. She didn't want blood on her hands because of some slap. Their eyes soften and agree to spare the family from death. "Fine," Mikey says but moves her aside to face the family. "The only punishment I give you is that you take away everything your daughter has. Make her work for the things she wants in life." Mikey says before taking (Y/n) and the others away. "No one is going to hurt you anymore," Mikey said as he held (Y/n) close. She found comfort in his words and hug. They all went to grab something to eat before driving back home. 

. . . .

(Y/n) was walking next to Genji, as usual, to go to class. However, she felt eyes on her. "Why is everyone staring?" She whispers to Genji. Genji chuckles and pats her shoulder. "News got around quickly when Nina's friends heard that you're richer than Nina. Along with her getting punished for making her parents get in trouble with their boss. Which happen to be your parents." Genji informs. "Boy did she suffer the consequences." Genji sighs as he looks over at Nina, who did not look like herself. No makeup, no hair done, and her school uniform looked wrinkled. "Oh, so does everyone know that she slapped me?" (Y/n) asked unknowingly that she just revealed new information to Genji. "She what now?" (Y/n)'s eyes widen hearing Genji's different tone of voice. The same one when he's up against Daku. Genji then grabbed her wrist and dragged her to an isolated hallway. 

"Are you okay?" He asks as he places his hand on her cheek. "G-Genji, I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about." (Y/n) reassured. "Why did she slap you?" Genji asks as he became serious. "I-It was nothing. Just a simple misunderstanding." (Y/n) said in hopes to calm him down. "Kitten. . .why did she slap you," Genji asks again. (Y/n) couldn't help but break under his serious and demanding gaze. It felt like she couldn't hide when he looked at her like that. "She was just getting defensive when she told me to stay away from you. Saying that you were hers and only hers. I tried to tell her not to feel threatened by me since we're just friends, but she didn't like that causing her to slap me." (Y/n) confesses as she looked away a bit. Genji pulled (Y/n) into a hug. "I'm so sorry that she did something so stupid to you. Luckily, you won't be having to deal with her getting defensive anymore." Genji said. "What do you mean?" (Y/n) asks as she looks up at him. 

"We broke up." Genji bluntly stated. "Genji loves me because I have everything!" Nina's voice rang in (Y/n)'s head. Did he not love her anymore because she lost everything? Is he that kind of guy? "Stay away from him. Nothing good comes out of him." Daku's voice comes in. (Y/n) separated from the hug as she felt unsettled. "G-Genji. . .why did you start to date Nina?" (Y/n) asks. "It was out of pity." Genji simply replied. "Why?" he asks. "O-Oh, it's just that I remembered something that Nina said. It's nothing important." (Y/n) said before grabbing his hand and taking him back to the classroom. "C'mon, let's not be late for class." She hums. Genji only hums and took in this small moment. 

- - - -

"You ready for the concert?" Daku asks (Y/n) as they waited in line to grab their food. "I'm a bit nervous, but as you said, you're going up there with me so I shouldn't be too scared." (Y/n) says as she is confident to go up on stage. Daku smiles at her before grabbing the food and thanking the worker. As they walked outside, their eyes widen seeing that a bunch of middle schoolers damaging his bike. "WHAT THE HELL!" Daku shouted. The middle schoolers just laughed and ran away. Daku wanted to chase them and give them a lesson, but (Y/n) held him back. "Daku, they're just stupid kids. Calm down, please." (Y/n) pleaded as she didn't want to see Daku so mad. It scared her a bit to see him so angry. Daku wanted to calm down for her sake, but couldn't help but have an attitude. "F*cking sh*t!" Daku kicked his damaged bike down. "Daku!" (Y/n) shouted at him. Daku couldn't help be feel angry and act like a child throwing a tantrum. He sat down on the curb and kept his head down as he didn't want to be bothered. 

(Y/n) sighed heavily at Daku's actions. She set the food in front of him and went to pick up his bike. "C'mon, I know a place that can help fix it." (Y/n) said. Daku heard her, but he didn't want to move. "Daku!" He jumped and looked up at (Y/n). She was mad at him given by how the tone she used to shout at him, along with the look she gave. Daku picked up the food and followed her in silence. Feeling a bit embarrassed that he was acting like a child. 

/ / / /

"Kitten-Chan, glad to see you again." Draken smiles. "To you as well, Draken-San. Can you help my friend here? A bunch of middle schoolers messed with his bike." (Y/n) says. "Of course, I'll get it fixed in no time." Draken said as he brought the bike into the shop. "Thank you so much." She smiles generously at him. She then turns to Daku who was standing outside of building. She stood next to and rubbed his hand. "Did someone special give that bike to you?" She asks. It took a moment for Daku to find his voice. "My mom did. Even though she hated me to go out and drive it, she knew I would be safe." Daku said. "Daku. . ." (Y/n) took the packaged food and placed it down before grabbing his hands. "In this world there is only one thing we can't fix and that is death. Everything else can be fixed. Some may be long term and some short term. You can't always control what you want to and it makes it difficult for us to understand that. And when we get so frustrated to what we can't control in life it makes us feel like it's the end of the world. But it's not when you have other people to help you. Not every problem you have can be only fixed by you. You have me to help you fix them and you know that I will do anything to help you. Just know that you can count on me, okay?" (Y/n) softly hums at him.

Daku stared into (Y/n)'s eyes and fell deeper into them than before. "Kitten. . ." Daku pulled her close and kissed her cheek. "You're too kind to be in this world." He hums in her ear. (Y/n) began to blush from not only his breath on her ear, but the kiss he gave her. She didn't know what to say as she was too shock to reply. Only one question started to wrap around her head. Am I starting to love Daku? The thought made her heart squeeze and beat faster. 

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