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"(Y/n), stop! Let's talk for a second, please?!" Daku calls out to her as she continued to walk out of the restaurant. He finally grabs her and (Y/n) thrashed in his arms. "Daku, let me go!" She shouts at him. "(Y/n), please. . .just look at me." Daku calmly says as he looked at her. "How long have you known. . .?" (Y/n) asks as she calms down. "I've had some suspicions since you came back to school, but it was confirmed during our sleepover. But I knew deep down that it was you because I've known you the longest." Daku said as he placed his hand against her cheek. His words rubbed (Y/n) the wrong way making her push him away. "Know me?! You don't know me, Daku!" (Y/n) frowns. "Just because we went to the same schools growing up doesn't mean that you know me! Have you ever tried to come up to me and talk to me?! To be my friend since the start?!" (Y/n) shouts at him. Daku looked at her but he couldn't find an excuse. This only made (Y/n) angrier. "Did you only start loving me because I changed everything about myself?! Now that I'm swimming in riches?! Now that I can be viewed as someone who has purpose?!" (Y/n) sneers as she glares at Daku. "No! Of course not! I love you for you! I know it was messed up for me not to be friends with you before, but I still love you! I love you, (Y/n)!" Daku said as he grabbed her hands. "It doesn't feel like you love (Y/n). I think you love the mask that she's been wearing." (Y/n) pulled her hands away and started walking away. "Don't talk to me, Aoki." The bodyguard that was following them, opened the door to the car for (Y/n) to get in. "(Y/n), please. . ." Daku cried out to her. "Go." (Y/n) said the guard. He nods and begins to drive off.

/ / / /

"Take me to (old address)." (Y/n) said as she looked out the window. "Ma'am, your father expects you to be home." The driver said. (Y/n) glares at the driver. "Did I stutter or do you want to be sent to an early grave?" (Y/n) threatens. The drivers froze hearing her tone and her glare. It reminded him too much of Mikey. "Y-Yes, ma'am." The driver took a left and (Y/n) dug around in the seat compartments. She took out Takeomi's extra lighter and Mocchi's stash of alcohol. Once they arrived at her old home, (Y/n) looked out to see her 'mother' getting out of her car with some man. It wasn't her 'father' that was for sure. Once the two went inside, (Y/n) walked out with the two items in her hands. Using a technique that Sanzu taught her, she opened the car window and began to spill the alcohol inside. She wouldn't normally do this as she thought it was wrong and hurtful to do this to anyone, but she wasn't her normal self at this moment. She was mad, angry, disappointed, and sad. All she wanted to do was set something on fire in hopes that it could put those emotions at ease. She grabbed a stick and lit it on fire before tossing it into the car. She stared into the flames as they began to grow larger and spread more in the car. She wished she could stay there for a while longer, but she heard her 'mother' inside shouting in panic. Quickly, (Y/n) got in the car and the driver sped off. 

She drank whatever was left in the bottle to see if alcohol actually numbed the pain in her heart. "Out of all the days, why did he have to bring it up?" (Y/n) talks to herself as she looks out the window. In her mind, she knew that Genji might know her real name as well. "Keisuke. . .why did you have to leave me? None of this would've happened if you didn't die. . ." (Y/n) began to sob as her emotions began to go hand and hand with the remaining alcohol she drank. 

. . . . .

"There, there, let it out, Dear," Kakucho said as he held (Y/n)'s hair back while she threw up. It was the next morning and when she didn't arrive downstairs for breakfast, Kakucho and the others were the ones who found her throwing up. "Christ, was it bad ramen or something?" Rindo asks as (Y/n) looked sick. (Y/n) didn't want to confess that she drank alcohol and made sure the driver didn't say anything either. Koko handed her a water bottle to hopefully get rid of the bad taste in her mouth. "You're going to take a warm bath, get in warm pajamas, and go back to sleep," Kakucho tells her. All she could do was nod as she just felt pain in her head. She didn't even want to think. Koko helped her get her bath ready, while Takeomi got her clothes prepared. Sanzu made sure that Bonten's doctor was coming to check up on her. Rindo jumps back as he lifted the covers on her bed he saw blood staining the sheets. "Talk about bad timing for aunt flow to come by." Ran lightly chuckles. "I forgot that girls go through this." Mocchi cringes. 

"The bad news is that she has no more." Takeomi groans as he remembered that he overheard (Y/n) talking to the maid that she needs more of her woman's items. Though, the maid was gone for classified reasons. Meaning they have no idea what to get (Y/n) for her problem. "Dammit! Why don't we have a nanny for her?!" Sanzu grunts as he didn't want to be in this awkward situation. "Because she's not a five-year-old child." Mikey retorts though he regrets not having many women figures for (Y/n) to go to with this kind of stuff. "Not it!" Ran and Rindo calls out as they put their finger on their nose. Mocchi, Takeomi, Mikey, Kakucho, and Koko did the same. "What the hell?! You all act like children! Except for Mikey, but the rest of you can rot in hell!" Sanzu shouts as he stuck his middle fingers at everyone. "You lost, now go get her stuff." Mikey orders. Sanzu hung his head low and slumps his shoulders a bit. "Yes, Mikey. . ." He groans. 

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