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I was walking down the street as I wanted to get some fresh air. Everyone in Bonten was busy with work and Daku and Genji needed to go home early for important reasons. Meaning, I was alone for the afternoon. I felt Kei up on my leg. Okay, so I wasn't alone. I still had my Kei. I hum happily as I picked him up. "U-Um, excuse me." I turned my head and saw the man that was with Draken-San one time. "Oh, hello," I reply. "Uh. . .it's Takemichy-San, right?" I asks I was trying to remember his name. "Close, but it's Takemichi." He chuckles lightly. "Oh, sorry." I giggle. "No worries, but can I talk to you for a moment?" He asks. "Um, okay." I felt a little weirded out since I didn't know him well, but if he's friends with Draken-San then he has to be a good person. 

"I hope that this isn't too weird, but I have to tell you that you remind me of someone," Takemichi-San said. "Really?" I ask. He nods his head. "I met him when I was in middle school. His name was Baji Keisuke. You look a lot like him." My eyes widen as I heard that name. Suddenly new memories came up. 

"Keisuke! Be careful with your sister! She's only four!" A woman with long black hair shouts. My eyes move away from her to the young teen named Keisuke. "I am! Besides, she is tough like me! Right, Kitten?" He chuckles as he smiles at me. All I could respond with were shrieks of giggles as he tickles me. 

"I wish I knew him a bit better. It was sad when I couldn't save him from that day." Takemichi-San's gloomy words brought me back. Keisuke. . .what happened to him? "Why? What happened?" I flinched as my voice sounded a bit desperate. "I'll spare you the full details, but he passed away twelve years ago. He didn't deserve to die, yet I couldn't save him. So many of his friends cared for and cherished him for so many things. He was always there for when his friends needed saving." Takemichi-San said. Is that why you never came back? Because you were dead? Where was my real mother? Why did she abandon me after you died? Why? Just why?! "I'm sorry, but I have to go." I abruptly stood up and grabbed Kei. "W-Wait, Kitten-Chan!" Takemichi-San called out as he ran out of the building behind me. I ran and felt tears run down my face. Baji. . .Baji (Y/n) is my real name. Baji Keisuke is my older brother who died twelve years ago. Why did he die?! Why did no one save him?!

"Oi, give me my sister back!" Keisuke shouts. "Aw, but I want to hold her longer!" a guy whines as he held me in his arms. He turns me around and smiles at me. "You love Big Bro Mikey better than Dumb bro Baji, right Kitten?" He asks. "I'm not dumb and I'll always be her number-one brother!" Keisuke frowns. "Mikey-Nii! Kei-Nii!" I giggled as I didn't understand what was going on. 

M-Mikey?. . .no it can't be him. He can't be the same person. . .

I then yelped as I slipped on the dirt ground. I hiss as I saw my knees were scrapped and cut from the rocks. Kei nudges his head on mine and gives a small meow. "Who am I supposed to be? Who am I?" I cried as I looked at Kei. "I thought there was going to be a point where I could bump into him or that he would come back home. But he's dead. . .why did he leave me? Why couldn't he still be my brother? 

"Kei-Nii." I hum as I reached up to him. "Hey, Kitten." He smiles, but it was different. He picks me up and kisses my head. "I'm going to be gone for a while. You think you can protect the house and mom?" He asks. "Uh-huh! I'm strong like you!" I giggle as I tried to flex my nonexistent muscles. "That's right and don't forget that. No matter what, I'm always going to be a part of you because we're family. Be strong, okay?" I noticed that he began to cry. "Kei-Nii, why are you crying?" I ask as I started to cry as well. "I-It's nothing. I'm just going to miss you while I'm away." He said as he tried to clean away his tears. "Don't cry. You're going to come back home. We can go play at the playground or go trick-or-treating when you come back." I said to comfort him. "Yeah, we can do those things." He hums before kissing my head. "You'll always be my most valuable treasure. I love you so much, (Y/n)." I wrap my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek before hugging him. "I love you too, Kei-Nii." 

All I could do was lay on the ground and cry. I was too young to know what he meant back then. Too young to understand the situation. I then felt Kei lick my hand. I ignored him since I wasn't in the mood. He then licked my face. "Kei, not now," I said as I opened my eyes, but the cat that was licking my face wasn't Kei. Instead, it was a much larger and long black cat. I felt my hand still getting licked and saw it was a honey blonde-colored cat. I then flinched as I felt something lick my bleeding knees. I look over to see a slim white cat with unordinary yet unique eyes. "Oh, hello little ones." I sniffle as I clean off my tears. I sat up but whimpered at the pain my knees were in. The honey-blonde cat got on my lap and began to lick my face. I look over at Kei and saw he was getting along with the bigger black cat. The white cat rubbed against my side a bit. I looked around and saw it was getting dark. "I have to get home. I'm sure Dad and the others are probably worried sick. 

Fighting through the pain, I stood back on my feet and picked up the honey-blonde cat. "I hope they don't mind the extra company." I hum as I rubbed her head. Kei climbs on me from behind and gets on my shoulders. The big black cat and the white cat followed beside me. "So you can make friends." I hum as I look at Kei. He licks my cheek and I giggle at his action. 

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