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"So cool! You own a motor shop!" Kitten-Chan smiles in awe. I chuckle at her reaction as she looks around the place. "Yup, it's pretty cool isn't it?" "More like awesome." She giggles. I stare at her for a moment. At first, I didn't notice much about her smile, but now as she kept it on her face. . .it looked kinda familiar. Like I've seen it before, but my brain can't find it where I've seen it before. "Draken." I turn my head as Inui called my name. "I'm finished with the last customer. Who's that?" He asks as he spotted Kitten-Chan. "She got harassed by some dude. I told her she could hang out here for a while until someone can pick her up." I informed him. We look over to see her talking on the phone. Probably a friend or family. "Okay, I'll be waiting." She hums before putting her phone away. She turns to us. "My uncle is on his way. Should take around fifteen minutes," she says. "Alright, you can make yourself comfortable while you wait." She nods and notices Inui. "Kitten-Chan, this is Inui Seishu. He's my business partner." I introduce Inui. "Nice to meet you, Inui-San." She smiles and gives him a small wave. He smiles and waves back. 

She sets her stuff down but notices the photos on the walls. "Woah, you were part of a gang?" She asks. "In middle school, yeah." I smile. "That's so cool. You must've been crazy strong even as a kid like me." She says as she continues to look. "Are you still friends with all of them?" She asks me. "All but one. He went on his own path and is now overseas." I half lied to her. "I also lost a friend a couple of years back. He was also crazy strong like us." I said as I looked at the past pictures of Toman and everybody. "I'm sorry to hear that." She said. "It's fine. I'm sure they're in a better place and are safe." I reply with a reassuring smile. We then changed the subject and talked about motorcycles. "What got you into motorcycles, Kitten-Chan?" Inui asks her.

"When I was three or four, I faintly remember that my older brother had a motorcycle. He would sit me in the front and hold me from behind. I would pretend that I was driving it." She smiles as she thought back on the memory. "Where's your brother now?" I ask. "I'm not sure. He left home one day and didn't come back. I was still very young so I don't remember much about what happened." She replied. Before we could respond, the shop's doors open. An older man dressed in all black came in. "Miss, you're uncle is waiting in the car." Kitten-Chan nodded and stood up. "It was very nice to meet you two and again thank you for saving me earlier." She smiles warmly. "Of course, you are welcome to come by and visit again. Take care, Kitten-Chan." I told her. She nods her head again and grabs her stuff. She gives us one more smile to us before leaving. A memory flashed in my head as she smiled. 

/ / / /

- (Y/n) POV -

Kaku-San and I walked into the building and we took off our shoes. "We're home!" I called out. I jumped as they came rushing out of the dining room. "Are you okay?!" "What did the f*cker look like?!" "How dare someone touch you like that!" "You're not going out alone again!" Sanzu, Ran, Rindo, and Kokonoi-San said all at once. After telling them that I was okay and describing the guy to Sanzu-San, we went to the dining room. "I bought treats for everyone. Inui and Draken-San were kind enough to let them cool in their fridge." I hum as I took the items out. "That was kind of them." Kaku-San said in response. I nodded and handed them their pastry. 


- NO POV -

Koko woke up to get a drink of water. When (Y/n) mentioned Inui, the thoughts and memories kept him awake. At first, he would just watch Inui from afar just to see how he was doing. He misses his friend more than he should have. But he knew he had to stop seeing Inui as either he would become distracted or Inui will become a target. In mid-silence, a high-pitched scream was heard throughout the home. Koko jumped to his feet knowing that none of the guys in the home had brought another woman into their place. "(Y/N)?!" Koko shouted as he ran up the stairs. The others opened their doors as they too woke up from the sudden scream. 

Koko hurried into her room and turned on the lights. (Y/n) still had her eyes closed and thrashed around in her bed. "STOP! STOP FIGHTING! PLEASE!" She cried out. "(Y/N)! Wake up! It's just a nightmare!" Koko shouted in hopes she would wake. "HELP ME! I WANT TO GO HOME! NII-CHAN! COME BACK! COME BACK HOME!" Mikey came to the other side and tried to make her open her eyes, but she seemed stuck in whatever nightmare she was having. "MISTER! MISTER WAKE UP! DON'T DIE! WAKE UP PLEASE! THERE'S BLOOD! BLOOD EVERYWHERE! HELP HIM! HELP HIM WAKE UP!" She then gasped and shot up. She looked at her hands and body to see if there was blood on them. "(Y/n), calm down. Take deep breathes." Koko told her a he wiped away her tears. "It was just a nightmare. Nothing to worry about." He tried to calm her down. (Y/n) shook her head. "That wasn't a nightmare. . ." She trembled out. 

"That was a memory. . ." She cried out. 

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