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"Two years after my brother was separated from me or more like he disappeared. I wandered off from home in hopes to find him. I then got lost and looked around if anyone could help me. Soon, I stumbled into what seemed like a festival, but they just ignored me as they ran back home because of the rain. Being just a mere child, I started to get scared and cry out for help. Just then, I noticed a big fight going on. One group wore grey, another wore black and white, and the last one wore white. They were all fighting and I was terrified by how violent these people were. I cried and tried to stop them from fighting, but who would even listen to a crying child? None of them cared to notice me anyway. . .then I saw him. I saw a monster. He killed someone with his own two hands while I just watched in horror. It became too much for me and soon they all left. I wailed for my brother to come to save me or take me back home. For some reason thinking that he would just appear and comfort me. I stayed next to the dead man and cried out for help. Eventually, paramedics did come and I passed out from all the crying and catching a fever." (Y/n) told them her story. 

They all sat in silence as they knew the event well. They were there. . .they were the cause of it. Mikey was the monster that she saw that day. They all tried to think back on how they never heard or seen a child crying. So much must've happened that they blocked her out. Mikey rubs her shoulder. "I'm sorry you experienced that. No child should witness that at such a young age." Mikey said. After comforting her, they lead her back to bed. None of them discussed it further and went to bed. 

. . . .

- (Y/n) POV -

I got up early and took a shower. After that I looked at myself in mirror as I dried and combed my hair. "You can do this. Nothing to be afraid of." I said to myself. I changed into my school uniform and put my shoes on. Next, I sat in front of my mirror and started to put makeup. Not much, just my eyes and lips. Koko-San helped me learn on how to put makeup. I grab my bag after putting everything I needed inside. 

"Good morning, everyone." I hum as I arrived for breakfast. "Good morning, (Y/n)." They reply. I smile and thanked the maid as she placed down my food. After breakfast, I put on my shoes. To my surprise, they were all coming to drop me off. "We wouldn't miss you're first day." Ran-San smiles. "You sound like an old man." Sanzu-San remarks. "It's too early to start fighting." I said quickly before Ran-San could insult him. We all got in the car and headed to my school. 

"This is your schedule." Akashi-San handed me the paper. Everything seemed to be the same but. . ."Wait. . .why is choir here?" I ask. "You have a talent for singing, (Y/n)." Mikey said. I grew a bit nervous. Even if I practiced with my old music teacher. . .it was never in front of other students. I looked at my reflection in the window. . .I look like a different person. This is the new me. 

/ / / /

"Stop pushing." Sanzu-San hisses at Rindo-San. We stood if front of the camera at the front of the school's entrance. Both Sanzu-San and Mikey rested their hand on my shoulders. I knew I was the only one smiling in the photo. "You can do it." Mikey said as he patted my head. "Thank you, d-dad." It was still a bit weird to call him dad, but I knew I had to say it. Even if they do horrible things behind my back, they still gave me a home and treated me like a princess. He nods and went inside the car. I wave and watched them leave. Taking a deep breathe, I walked into the school. Already, I felt stares on me. Is this how it is to get attention? How nerve-wracking. 

I flinched as I almost went the same direction of my old shoe locker. I quickly moved to my new one. I continued to look away from the stares. "Being the new kid isn't easy." I turn my head to see Genji. "G-Good morning, Hamada-Kun." I greet him. He smiles at me. "You can just call me Genji. No need for formalities." He chuckles. "Then you can just call me Kitten." I hum. I then dug in my bag to take out the motor book. "Here, it's your turn to have it." I handed him the book. "You already finished it?" He asks in shock. "I'm a fast reader. I didn't want you wait too long." I chuckle. He takes the book and smiles widely. "Thank you, Kitten." He hums. I felt my face heat up and my heart beat fast. "N-No problem." I sheepishly smile. 

- - - -

It turns out that I stilled shared the same class as Genji. And I get to sit next to him. After language arts, Genji walked me to the choir classroom. I knew where the room was, but it felt nice for him to walk me there. I did feel the constant stares from others. I'm the new student and with Hamada Genji. "Huh, I guess that band and choir are sharing the gym together." Genji said. He's a drummer in the school's band. We went to gym and went our separate ways since his teacher needed him for something. 

I took a deep breath and walked towards the choir teacher. "You must be the new student." She says as she notices me. I nodded my head. "S-Sanzu Kitten." I introduce myself. She hums and gathers the students in front of us. The teacher introduces me to her students and I noticed a face I didn't want to meet. It was Nina and she must've seen me walk in and talk to Genji because she was giving me a nasty look. "Now, you must sing, Sanzu-Chan." My teacher told me. I nodded and looked around to find a piano. I was nervous and the piano always cleared my mind. I looked at the crowd before turning to the piano. They stayed silent and let me play. 

Song: My Immortal

By: Evanescence

Once I was done, someone began to clap leading all- almost- all the people in the room. Once it died down, my teacher came up to me. "What a remarkable voice." She hums. She then turns her head to face Nina. "Sato-chan, you will no longer be paired up with Aoki-kun anymore. Aoki-Kun, please step forward and introduce yourself to Sanzu-Chan." The music teacher said. My eyes slightly widen as I saw Aoki-Kun. He was tall and looked intimidating. He had wavy messy dark green hair and hazy golden eyes. He also had dark bags underneath his eyes. "Aoki Daku." His voice sent shivers down my spine. His voice was deeper than I expected. "S-Sanzu Kitten." I nervously bowed. "You two will be the new leading duo." Our music teacher said. We both nodded and I can feel holes drilling in my head as Nina continued to stare at me. 

First day isn't so bad. . .I guess.

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