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I dreaded waking up and going to school, but I had no choice. I didn't want awkward tension between me and Genji. As I was packing my homework back into my bag, I noticed a black book that didn't belong to me. It had no title on it. Curious, I opened it and I was shocked to see many song lyrics written down. Though, I knew none of these songs. I kept reading through them and they all had such deep meaning to them. As I flipped back to the front, Genji's name was printed on the front page. Underneath his name was his mailing box address in case it was lost. I couldn't believe it. . ."Genji wrote all these?" I said to myself as I look at his work. "(Y/n), you're going to be late!" Father shouts from downstairs making me jump a bit. "C-Coming!" I put Genji's book back in my bag and ran downstairs. I kissed my dads and uncles goodbye before rushing to the car. 

/ / / 

It felt like it was my first day back in this school. Everyone staring and mumbling about me. I wanted to give Genji's book back, but he wasn't at school. I began to feel guilty again as I thought back to my actions and saw how insensitive I must've been. I asked Izumi and Kasumi if they had seen him or been in contact with him, but they said they haven't received a call or text from him. My worries about him only got worse. 

"What's with that face?" I look up and saw it Daku. "It's nothing." I lied. There I go. . .lying to their faces again. But I didn't want to tell him that it was about Genji. I knew he would just roll his eyes if I said Genji's name. "Don't lie. Is it about the kiss that you and Genji shared?" Daku asks. "Y-You know about that?!" I didn't want Daku to know about that since I do have feelings for him too. "It's all that the students have been talking about. Plus, photos are going around." Daku said as he took a bite of his sandwich. I groan and put my head down. "Ah, don't feel so embarrassed. It was just an accident, right?" Daku says. "Y-Yeah, it was just an accident," I said to comfort myself and reassure him. "See, there's nothing to worry about. It was just an accident." Daku hums as he took another bite of his lunch. I looked at his hands and saw the bandages around his knuckles. "What happened to your hands?" I ask him in worry. "I was boxing the other night, but I got a bit carried away in my training that I hurt myself a bit. But don't worry about this either. I'm fine, honestly." He hums. Why does it feel that he's slightly lying to me? Yet I still responded with an okay. "Want a sandwich?" He asks as he hands me one from his bento. "Ah, thank you. I was in a rush this morning so I didn't get to eat breakfast." I smile as I took the sandwich. I took a bite and my eyes widen in joy. 

"This tastes so good!" I hum as I took another bite. Daku chuckles as he looks at me. "I'm glad you like it. I made it myself." He smiles. "Really?! That's so cool!" I began to compliment him on how well the ingredients and textures blended so well together. Though I froze and Daku placed his hand against my face. "You're a bit of a messy eater, aren't you?" he teases as he wipes a bit of mustard off the corner of my lip with his thumb. "It's cute." He teases more as he brought his thumb over to his mouth and licked the mustard off. I blushed heavily as it was hot seeing him do that. It was more likely the look he was giving me that made me feel like jelly. I looked away to hide my blush. "D-Dummy. . .!" I whine out a bit. He lets out a chuckle and we cleaned up before the bell rang. 

/ / / /

I sat on my bed feeling a bit bored. Kei was on my lap and I petted his soft black fur. I looked at my bag and thought about Genji's book before looking at my phone. I tried texting him in hopes to get a response, but he hasn't replied. I gave in and set Kei to the side before grabbing the book out of my bag. I hope I wasn't invading his privacy since this is his work, but I wanted him to know that his work is amazing. I began to practice one song that I found intriguing. 

. . . .

- NO POV -

Genji arrived at the school, and some of the students noticed he looked less active than usual. Despite taking a day off as he felt worried for (Y/n)'s well-being and hoped that he hadn't ruined their friendship from that kiss. He didn't mean to ignore her texts as he drove himself to sleep yet, it didn't feel like he had enough. Another thing he was worried about was the book in which he wrote all his songs. His hard work might've been stolen and that person must've started making money off it. He groaned as his head began to pound a bit. He hadn't eaten as much the day before and he skipped breakfast this morning. Despite not wanting to be here, he wanted to act like everything was normal. He started by finding his band and greeting them a good morning and yeah, he's totally not trying to avoid (Y/n) before heading to class if she was around. [*Eye roll*]

"Hey, guys, sorry for not-" Genji stopped as he heard (Y/n) singing. Singing the song that he wrote.

[Most of the songs will be by the vocal artist; Ado. All credit goes to her and the songwriters. She's one of my top favorite Japanese music artists and if you haven't heard of her yet then I highly recommend listening to her. Her voice is amazing!]

It was amazing how her voice fitted perfectly with the lyrics. Just how he dreamed they would be. In the end, the band cheered as it sounded amazing and this could be their big start. (Y/n) then smiles as she saw Genji. "You're back!" She smiles as she went to hug him. Genji felt his heart beat faster as he felt her warmth. "I'm sorry for running away. I just felt embarrassed of myself. Even if it was an accident, I don't think I deserve that kiss. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad." She apologized. Genji slightly frowned at her third sentence. He wanted to know why she felt like she didn't deserve it, but they were just friends. If it were up to him and with her consent. . .he would've kissed her over and over again until she felt like she deserved it. "Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong." He hums as he rubbed her back. The rest of the band went to the two and smiled widely. "Oi, Shimada-kun! Did you hear how awesome Kitten-Chan sounded with your lyrics?! Way better than Nina, right?!" Ryu smiles widely. (The band's guitarist. Kasumi is the bass player.) Genji chuckles and nods. "Yeah, she's a perfect fit." Genji smiles as he looks at (Y/n). His words made her lightly blush and it made his heart flutter. 

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