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I stared down at the black car that follows me everywhere I go. I know it's to make me feel safe, but it unnerves me when I think about if someone did try to hurt me. To hurt Bonten. "You okay?" I jump and turned my attention to Daku. He looked at me worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said as I composed myself and moved some of my hair out of my face. "You're bad at lying." Daku chuckles a bit before looking at the car I was staring at the car that I was looking at before. "Nothing is going to happen to you. I don't think anyone has the balls to take something precious from Bonten." Daku said. "How do you know?" I ask as I lean against the fence. "Because Bonten isn't the only one looking out for you." He said as he looked at me. "I won't let anything happen to you." He says as gets closer to me. I blush as he puts his hand on my face. His words do bring me comfort and make me feel safe, but that dark thought still lingered in the air.

- No POV -

Daku looked at (Y/n) and saw her expression didn't change as much. He pulled her closer to his body. "Daku?" She looks up at him questioningly. Daku ignored her and began to sing to her. Swaying her side to side and spinning her around. (Y/n) began to smile as she caught on to the song he was singing. "I like to be alone if you get too close. I might disappear.~" She pushed Daku back slightly. Making him chuckle a bit. "Don't get all possessive acting like you're so controlling. My freedom is a weapon, baby you could never own me. I don't belong to you.~" She sang as she swayed her hips while walking away from Daku. When the chorus began, Daku pulled (Y/n) back into his arms and kept swaying her from side to side. (Y/n) giggles as she fell into his arms and by him planting kisses on her cheek. "Feel better now?" Daku asks as he held her tight. "Yes, thank you." (Y/n) hums and kisses his cheek. 

/ / / / 

"So Genji's not allowed to visit anymore?" Daku questions as the two teens walk into the home. "Yeah. . .he did something he wasn't supposed to." (Y/n) replies as she took off her shoes. Emma came up to (Y/n) and began to climb on her. "New cats?" Daku asks as he looks at Emma. "Yeah, I found them at a park. Izana is probably with Uncle Kaku, at the moment. He loves Uncle Kaku a lot and it's so adorable." (Y/n) smiles. Daku then looks down as Shin approached them. "Hey, buddy." Daku hums as he crouched down and began to pet Shin. "That's Shin, he's a very gentleman cat and he's like a big brother to Kei, Emma, and Izana." (Y/n) says as she places Emma down. Shin began to clean Emma once she walked up to him. "I'm home!" (Y/n) calls out. "Welcome home, Princess." Sanzu smiles as he squeezes her hand a bit. "D-Dad. . .?" Daku questions as he saw his father appear next to Mikey. Kei quickly ran to (Y/n) to be held by her. "It's so good to see you again, Kitten-Chan. I hope we can start over since our first time meeting wasn't so delightful." Jiko smiles before kissing the back of (Y/n)'s hand. "It's good to see you as well, Aoki-San." (Y/n) bows at him. "No need to bow, dear. And just call me Jiko-San." Jiko smiles. 

"Now, I know you have a beautiful voice. Yours and Daku's performance was perfect and unimaginable. Better than that little brat that was with him. Forget her. Anyway, I was talking with your father and uncles that maybe you'll want to perform at my private bars." Jiko hums. (Y/n) and Daku's eyes widen at his words. "Perform at a bar?" (Y/n) asks in shock. "I know this is a big step from the cafes and such that you normally do, but this is your chance to grow in popularity. You're just a star in the media for teens to look at. Wouldn't it be nice to be more than just a media star and become worldwide?" Jiko says. "Well, that would be nice." (Y/n) says. "Exactly! And don't worry about my customers. Your family and bodyguards will always be around you no matter what. I'm sure of it." Jiko hums. "That's comforting to hear." (Y/n) hums as she gives a small smile. "Kitten, let's talk for a moment," Daku says as he grabs her hand and drags her away. "Daku, stop. You're hurting me." (Y/n) whimpers as she tried to pull out of his grip. 

Daku lets her go and quickly apologizes. "What's wrong? Do you not want me to do this?" (Y/n) asks seeing how hard he was trying not to get mad. "No. No, I don't want you to work for my father." Daku says. "Why? I already know he's a criminal since he works under my family- who are worse than him. I'll be protected so nothing bad will happen to me. I have you to protect me as well." (Y/n) says as she held his hand. Daku holds her hand a bit tighter and gives a small nod. "But as soon as you don't feel comfortable, you tell me. I'll quickly get you out of that situation." Daku says. "My hero," (Y/n) hums before kissing his cheek. Still, Daku couldn't help but worry about her if she went through with this. His father wasn't a stable man.

- - -

After discussing it all together again, some ground rules by Bonten, and a few requests from Daku and (Y/n), it was settled that (Y/n) would perform on some nights when the bar was busy. Unfortunately, (Y/n) couldn't have her original band join her on this journey and worried on how they would feel about it. Though, she was glad to hear that if her friends had to perform some nights then she can choose them over Jiko's bar nights. 

"Wonderful, I do hope you can make it next Saturday. It will be a lively night." Jiko smiles. "I can't wait." (Y/n) replies before shaking his hand one last time. "See you back at home, son," Jiko said a bit cheerfully, but his eyes told a different story. "Yeah, bye dad," Daku said lowly and looked away. As soon as Jiko was out the door, Daku jumped as Ran put his hands on his shoulders. "You're dad is a headache to deal with, Kid. I don't know how you still live with him." Ran sighs. "Yeah, I don't know either." Daku nervously chuckles. "Anyway, let's spend a little time together. It's been a while since we had a movie night, Princess." Rindo says as he hugs (Y/n). "That sounds fun!" She shouted happily. "Let's go get the snacks." Takeomi hums as he pulls (Y/n) to the kitchen. "C'mon Kid, let's get the place set up," Sanzu says as he pulls Daku in the other direction. 

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