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"Go catch the ball, Kei." (Y/n) smiles as she rolls the ball away. Kei happily chased after it and went to retrieve it for her. Daku and Genji went to change into their pajamas to be more comfortable. "This feels a little unfair." Genji frowns as he looked at Daku's exposed muscles. Daku wore black sweatpants with a grey muscle shirt that was somewhat loose on him. From the side, you could see his toned chest. Genji wore a t-shirt and gym shorts. He had the muscle, but they weren't as big as Daku's. "She still finds your twig a** attractive so shut up." Daku grunts. "Still." Genji slightly pouts. The two went back to (Y/n) but froze as they saw her position. She was digging underneath the couch because Kei lost his ball and was too big to go underneath to get it back. "Aha! I got it!" She smiles as she got the ball back. She then looks at Genji in concern. "Genji, why is your nose bleeding?" She asks in worry. Genji quickly covered his nose and Daku inwardly rolled his eyes. "I-I-U-Uh. . .Daku punched me." Genji stutters out. "WHAT?!" Both Daku and (Y/n) shouted. "Liar! I didn't even lay a finger on you!" Daku shouts. "Daku." (Y/n) pouts as she looks up at him. "He's a liar! I swear that I didn't touch him!" Daku shouts to defend himself. "Okay, calm down. I believe you." (Y/n) softly said as she grabbed his hands. She didn't want him to overreact or get angry, so this was the only way to calm him down. And she did believe him. She knew Genji's reason why he got a nosebleed. . .as much as she wanted to feel flustered about it, she had to focus on Daku for the moment.

Daku calmed down and (Y/n) began to help with Genji's bleeding nose. After she was finished patching him up, she popped his head. "Ow! What was that for?!" Genji whines. "Don't blame Daku for things he didn't do. Tell the truth next time." (Y/n) pouts at him. Genji did feel bad for blaming Daku for no reason. "I will. I'm sorry." Genji apologizes. "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Daku." (Y/n) says before taking the first-aid kit back to the restroom. Genji did go and apologized to Daku and Daku did forgive him. Genji sighed in relief, but his eyes widen as Daku pulled him by the shirt. "Pull some sh*t like that again and I'll give you more than just a nosebleed." Daku hisses before pushing Genji away. (Y/n) came back before Genji could respond and they all sat down to find another movie to watch. 

(Y/n)'s eyes then caught something on Daku's back. It was a back tattoo. Daku caught her gaze and smirked. "Like it?" He asks. (Y/n) nervously blushes and looks away a bit. "Yeah, but what is it?" She asks as she looked back at him. Daku turns around and lifted his shirt. Exposing his toned muscles, making (Y/n) blush heavily. "Show off," Genji mutters to himself. "Wow, it looks so cool." (Y/n) admires as she grazed her fingers a bit on his skin. It sent a shiver down Daku's spine out of excitement. "Yeah, I got it when I was twelve," Daku says. "Ah, so you were one of those guys back then?" (Y/n) giggles as she raised a brow. "Yeah, I used to be a delinquent." Daku chuckles as he pulls his shirt back down. "Well, I hope you were a better delinquent than my older brother. I vaguely remember my brother burning a car just because he was hungry when I was with him." (Y/n) laughs as she remembered small parts of that memory. 

"You have an older brother?" Genji asks. "Well, I used to. I lost him twelve years ago. He left one day and never came back. I was a bit too young to remember what he looked like or what his name was, but I knew it started with Kei." (Y/n) smiles as she began to pet Kei, who jumped on her lap. "I'm sorry for your loss," Daku says. "Thank you, but it's okay. Even though I had him for a short amount of time, he was still the best big brother I will ever have. He'd placed me on his motorcycle and helped me pretend that I was riding it. I used to travel with him and his gang when they went out to have fun. My memories may be hazy, but it's nice to go back and think about him. Sometimes I can hear his voice when I think back." (Y/n) smiles softly. "He sounds amazing. I wish I had a big brother like him." Genji smiles. 

After a moment, Genji showed her his tattoo. "Daku wasn't the only one to have a delinquent phase." Genji chuckles. "Wow, it's so beautiful." (Y/n) smiles as she admires his tattoo. (Y/n) began to take off her silk robe to show them her tattoo. "I recently got mine, but the other two tattoos are in a private place." (Y/n) hums as she lowers her dress down a bit. "Oh, private you say? I didn't know the sweet Kitten was a bit devious." Genji teases. "It's nothing like that. They're on my sides, so I can't show you, dummy." (Y/n) says as she hugs herself a bit. The three then found a movie to watch and sat down next to each other.

Nearly at the end of the movie, (Y/n) adjusted herself to lay on their laps. This was to get comfortable as she was growing tired, but also just to tease the two males. There was a reason why she chose her nightwear outfit. Daku blushed as he saw a clear view of her cleavage and the fact she was on top of him. Genji was more of a mess as he saw her dress pick up a bit and her red-laced underwear was peeking out. Along with feeling her bare thighs on his lap. I'm going to die of blood loss if she keeps doing this to me! Genji thought as he forced himself to look away before getting another nosebleed. 

At the end of the movie, (Y/n) passed out and was sound asleep. Daku looked down at her and his eyes soften seeing how beautiful she looked when she was asleep. "I'll clean up. You can put her to bed." Genji said as he gently took her legs off his lap. Daku nodded and gently picked her up. He then tucked her into her bed and smiles seeing her peaceful state. Not thinking, he kissed her soft lips that allured him many times the day when he saw them. He wished that there would be more moments like these in the future with her. He pulled away before Genji walked into the room. "You can go to the bathroom first." Genji offers. Daku knew that he wanted alone time with the sleeping (Y/n). Daku went to the bathroom and Genji began to set his bed down. After that, he walked over to (Y/n)'s side and brushed some of her hair off to the side. "You're always so pretty." He whispers before gently kissing her lips. He pulled away from her as his lustful thoughts began to sprout. He wanted to touch her like no other man- with the exception of Daku- could ever do when pleasuring her, but knew that it was wrong. "Hold it together, Genji." He hisses at himself. Though, it was too late for that, and felt embarrassed as he felt tight from below. 

"You can-" Daku didn't get to finish as Genji quickly walked past him. "Pervert," Daku mutters as he saw how odd Genji was acting. Daku got his bed set up and began to fall asleep. After a while, Genji came back and also went to bed. 


Daku slightly jolted as he awoke from a nightmare. . .well it was more of a memory. He was about to sit up, but someone entered the room. He slightly opens his eyes and saw it was Mikey walking in. He heard Mikey sniffle and climb into (Y/n)'s bed. "Baji. . .you're still here right?" Mikey whispers but loud enough for Daku to hear. "(Y/n). . .she reminds me of you. . .this is a sign right? That you never left my side. . .? Don't worry. . .I'll protect her. . .just like I promised back then. My little kitten. . .(Y/n)." Mikey whimpers a bit. Daku stares at the wall as he finally knew two truths were certain to be real. He shut his eyes and went back to sleep. 

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