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It was around 12:30 pm when everyone started to get a bit drunk due to someone spiking the drink. Unfortunately, (Y/n) became one of the victims of alcohol once more. "I think it's time to go home," Daku said as he picked up (Y/n). "I love you.~ You're so handsome.~" (Y/n) sluggishly hums as she began to kiss Daku's face. "We can't return her like this. We're going to get killed." Genji retorts. "What do think we should do? They expect her to be back home." Daku frowns while (Y/n) continued to kiss him. Just then, her phone went off. "Speak of the devils," Genji mutters. He grabbed the phone before (Y/n) could answer. "Hello?" He spoke first. "Genji? Where's my daughter?" Sanzu asks. "She's in the pool, sir. I can't find her right now, but she's with the girls." Genji lied. Sanzu hums in response. "Well, tell her we booked a hotel room for her. We will be working late tonight and don't want to disturb her with it. So just drop her off and we'll pick her up in the morning." Sanzu informs. Genji mouths 'We're saved' at Daku before agreeing to Sanzu's words. "Of course! I'll be sure to tell her that and safely bring her to the hotel. Alright, have a good night, sir." Genji says before ending the call. "Dude!" Genji frowns as he looks at Daku and (Y/n) fully making out. "What? Don't be jealous." Daku smirks before walking to his bike. Genji rolled his eyes and informed the rest of the band that they were leaving. 


"This is so romantic.~ You two did this for me?~" (Y/n) giggles as she hugs Genji. "Y-Yeah, sure." Genji plays along. "Hmm~ I love you two so much. . .~" (Y/n) continues to giggle and started to take off her clothing. Daku and Genji froze and their eyes widened. "I should reward you two.~" She hums as she pushes Daku onto the bed after taking off his shirt. "(Y-Y/n), you're not in the right state of mind-!" Genji tries to reason with her, but she ignored him as she took off his shirt. "Who says I'm not, Genji?" (Y/n) asks as she crawls on the bed. "Don't you want this?" She asks as looks down at him. "Y-Yes. . ." he said truthfully as he looked at her with such lust and love. "You too, Daku. I know you want this so bad.~" She says as she stuck her tongue out to tease him. "You have no idea," Daku replies as he began to take off his pants.


(Y/n) began to wake as the sun went between the cracks of the curtains. Her senses started to wake up and began to notice that Genji was sleeping soundly next to her. Along with Daku snoring a bit behind her. Both males had their arms around her. Memories of last night came back to her in a slight blur, but she was able to piece together what happened. She began to blush uncontrollably as she realized that she lost her virginity to the two guys she hoped to marry one day. She wanted to go back to sleep and make this moment last for a little while, but a knock on her door interrupted her. "(Y/n), princess, are you awake?" Sanzu asks. "Y-Yes!" She shouts and wakes up Genji and Daku. "Can we come in?" Rindo asks as he slightly opened the door with the copy of her room key. "N-NO! I'm naked! I'm very naked right now! Please do not come in!" (Y/n) shouts. "Oh, sh*t. Oh, sh*t. Oh, sh*t." Genji mutters as he tries to dress. "Shut up!" Daku hisses lowly at him. (Y/n) looked around to try and find a way for them to escape. Genji panicked and hid under the bed. Daku quickly hid inside the closet. Once (Y/n) finished changing, she grabbed her stuff and opened the door. "Sorry, I'm ready to go home now." (Y/n) said. "Uh, okay? In a hurry much?" Koko asks. "I miss Kei, Emma, Shin, and Izana. I'm they missed me." (Y/n) said as she rushed them to the elevator. "We missed you too, y'know." Ran pouts. They then began to ask her about the party. 

Meanwhile, Genji and Daku sprouted out from their hiding spots. "That was too close," Genji grunts as he stood up. "I told you to set an alarm," Daku said. "No, I told you to set an alarm." Genji retorts. "That doesn't matter right now. Let's get out of here in case they come back." Daku said as he grabbed his stuff. Genji followed behind. 


(Y/n) fell on her bed and let out a sigh. She shut her eyes for a moment. "Does that feel good, Baby?~ I bet it does.~" Daku's moans rang in her head. "Ah!~ This feels better than what I imagined!~" Genji moaned out next as she remembered the way he held her. She flips on her stomach and hugs her pillow. "Genji~. . .Daku~. . ." She softly moans as she felt slightly turned on. She smiles and wished that they could do it again one day. 










It's a bit short. Sorry for ghosting you all for a while. I've been a bit busy, but I haven't forgotten about this story. I hope you guys haven't. I'll try to update Cutie Pie and Stay with me so please bear with me. Have a good. . .whatever day it is.

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