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"So, you're part of Genji's band?" Daku asks as he looks at me. School had already ended for the day, but Daku decided to come over to my place since he need help with English homework. "Yeah, we have a gig this weekend. I'm a bit nervous, to be honest." I chuckle nervously. I may have done it once, but it's not enough to get rid of my fear of performing in front of an audience. "But you did so well the first time when performing." Daku chuckles. "That's because you were there to make me feel comfortable. I've gotten used to singing with you and feel confident that you have my back, but to do it by myself?" I sigh as I rested my chin on my hand. "Awe, I feel flattered hearing you say that." He teases. I playfully roll my eyes at him. "Aside from the teasing, I know you'll do amazing. And if it makes you feel any better, I'll go to every show that you do." He says with sincerity in his voice. I looked at him in shock. "R-Really?" I ask in disbelief. He nods his head and moves a bit closer to me. "I'll drive you and sit in the crowd for you. I'll support you in any kind of way to make you feel comfortable. Until you don't need me anymore. It's a promise." Daku hums. I blush at his declared promise to me. "Thank you. That means a lot to me, Daku." I smile as I look up at him. "Anything for you." He smiles and stares back at me. We stayed like that for a moment before our faces kept inching closer to one another. However, I looked away as I wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do. We were still friends and I still had complicated feelings for him and Genji. I can't be like those other girls that keep going back and forth between two guys! Daku and Genji would never forgive me!

"*Ahem* Let's see what the next word is." I looked down and inwardly groan. 'Love' was the next word. Why did it have to be this word?! "The next word is love. I'll help you pronounce it." I said as I went to look back at him. Though I was caught off-guard as he grabbed my face and kissed me. I began to freak out and scream in my head again. I'm going to die if they keep doing this to me! Daku was a bit rough, but it felt nice for some odd reason. My heart began to beat faster and I felt butterflies swarm in my stomach. I wanted this to last a bit longer, but out of nowhere Kei hissed and jumped on Daku. "K-Kei!" I shouted as I grabbed him before he could hurt Daku. I didn't understand why Kei acted this way since he liked Daku ever since they met. "Sorry, dude. I should've know you were that protective of your owner." Daku chuckles. Kei gave a few small hisses before climbing on my shoulders and resting there. I let out a few small giggles as Kei gave Daku a semi-death stare. "I'm sorry that I caught you off guard. . .it's just-" Before he could finish, his phone rang. I saw it was his dad calling him and Daku's expression slightly changed. "I'm sorry, I have to go. Thanks for helping me study." He said as he started to pack up. "It's alright. I'm more than happy to help you again." I said as I followed him to the entrance door. Before he stepped out, he looked back at me with a small sad smile. "About the kiss. . .you can forget that it ever happened. I wasn't thinking straight." He said with an apologetic look. I looked at him and bit my lower lip a bit before getting on my tippy-toes to reach his face. I pecked his cheek and gave him a small smile. "I don't think I want to forget about it." I boldly tease him. It was my right to tease him since he's been doing that to me, but I honestly didn't want to forget about it.

I saw Daku blush a little and I found it cute. He was at a loss for words for a moment before saying a quick good night and leaving. I giggled and shut the door. I then looked down at Kei that was still looked mad about the kiss. "Ne, don't be so mean to Daku now. It was just one kiss." I giggle as I picked him up. He then hugged me and I hugged him back. "I'm glad you're protective of me, Kei." I hum before kissing his head. I then got ready for bed since it was getting late. 

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