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"Thank you so much. It looks as good as new." (Y/n) smiles happily as she looked at Daku's fixed bike. "How much is it to pay for the bill?" She asks next as she was ready to pay. "K-Kitten, you don't need to do that," Daku said as his eyes widen a bit. "I insist. It's no trouble at all." (Y/n) smiles as she handed her card to Draken. "Thank you again, Draken-San!" (Y/n) smiles as waves bye. "Anytime, Kiddo." Draken hums. 

As (Y/n) and Daku began to leave, Takemichi held the door for them. "Thank you." (Y/n) smiles at the male. Takemichi pauses as he saw her smile. It looked familiar. . .too familiar for his liking. Though he shook his thoughts out and wanted to confront Draken for lying to him. 

/ / / /

- (Y/n) POV -

"I'm home!~" She sang out. A maid greeted her at the door. "Your fathers and uncles are in a meeting right now in the other room. Stay in your room, for the time being, dear." I nodded at her words and hurried to my room. "Kei, where are you?" I giggle. He jumps on my bed as soon as I sit down. "There you are." I hum as I went to pet him. He purrs in delight before moving over to my lap. He then gently bites my hand like always. "Such a weird cat." I giggle. 

- - -

"La-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la.~" I sang as I went to get a quick snack. "How was your day, (Y/n)?" Father asks while Papa places a kiss on my head. "It was good. I'm starting to become good friends with my backup singers." I hum. "That's good to hear. Your concert is in a few days correct?" Father asks. I nod my head. "Next Friday. I'm getting nervous and excited just thinking about it." I giggle nervously. "There's no need to be nervous about, Darling. You'll do wonderful." Uncle Koko says as he pats my head. "And we'll be there in disguise, supporting you." Uncle Takeomi smiles. I smile and nodded my head. "Right, there's nothing to be nervous about." I hum. Oh, I should probably invite Draken-San and Inui-San. Hopefully, they aren't too busy. I thought as I went back to my room. 

. . . .

"Oh, can we stop somewhere real quick?" I ask Genji. Daku was busy after school so he couldn't drive me back home, but Genji was willing to walk me home. "Sure, no problem." He hums. I nod and led him the way to D & D Motors. 

There were a few people inside the shop and some faces looked familiar. Draken-San then noticed me. "Kitten-Chan, what's up?" Draken-San asks with a smile. I pulled out the choir concert flyer and nervously walk over to him since all the stranger's eyes looked at me. "My school is doing a choir concert and I was hoping you and Inui-San would be able to come. You can invite whoever you want and it's okay if you can't make it." I hum. Draken-San continues to smile as he took the flyer. "I'm sure I and Inui can squeeze it into our schedule." Draken-San hums. I smile widely at his response. "Great, I hope to see you two and whoever else there!" I smile brightly at him. I said my goodbyes and Genji did as well. 

- Draken POV -

"I'm not the only one who's thinking the same thing, am I?" Mitsuya asks. "I don't know how long it's been since I last saw her," Kazutora says. "She was only a baby," Chifuyu says next. I sigh heavily and sat down. I then rubbed the back of my neck and look down at the flyer. "She's grown so big. I wish Mikey could see her now." I said as I remember how close Mikey was to Baji's baby sister. 

- (Y/n) POV -

"Thanks for walking me home, Genji." I hum as I stood out the gate. "Ah, it's nothing to thank me for. I would be happy to do it again." He smiles. I blush when he does. "Well, get home safe, okay?" He nods his head in response. I was about to turn away until I felt him grab my hand. "Kitten," I turn my head. "Ye-" I was cut short as Genji kissed my cheek. I felt my face heat up and I froze. He then lets go of my hand and chuckles a bit. "Don't be scared okay? You're going to do great!" He smiles as he started to run in the other direction. Once he was out of sight, I ran inside and covered my face with my hands. Genji kissed me! He kissed me! Oh my god! It's not on the lips, but still! I screamed inside my head as I jump around a bit. Wait-What about Daku? What about his warning? I then blush as I thought back to the other day with Daku. Ah! Do I have feelings for Daku too?! "What's wrong, Princess?" Uncle Ran asks. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!" I cried out as I ran to my room. 

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