Barry's POV
I heard a sound of shattering glass. I turned around and saw Magi on the ground with a broken vile on the ground with an orange liquid on the ground. I ran over to Magi helping her up, "are you ok?" she had a face of terror. "No, no, no, no!" Magi got on the ground on her knees trying to see what she could save of the antidote. "Barry, her heart rate is rising." Caitlin said. Magi stood up and went over to Liz, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Magi was crying her heart out when I heard that horrible sound. *Beep, beep, beep, beeeeeeeeeeeep. She was flat lining. I ran over to her and started chest compressions. "28, 29, 30. Caitlin charge up the defibrillator!" "Charging at 150, clear." Her body jolted upward, but nothing. "Do it again!" "Charging at 200, clear." She jolted up, but nothing. She was gone."She's gone, Liz is gone." I fell on my knees next to the bed and sobbed. I stayed there for what felt like hours. "Barry?" Caitlin asked. "Barry, c'mon. You've been here for five hours, its time to go home." "No, I'm not leaving her." Caitlin pulled me up, but I shook her off and went to Liz's side. "I love you." When I said that I could feel my eyes watering again. A tear rolled down my cheek, falling onto Liz's now pail cheek. I looked at her one last time and saw the tear disappearing into her skin. I looked closer and I could see what looked like lighting running up the side of her face, then I heard a beep. She was still connected to the monitors, I looked over and could see the green line going p and down with each heart beat. I held her hand in mine and I felt her hand move. I looked at her and could see her starting to move. "Caitlin! She's alive!" Caitlin ran over and started checking her vitals. I was over by the monitors making sure everything was ok when I heard my name. "Barry? Barry?! Wake up."
I opened my eyes and I looked around the room, "Barry, wake up, you're going to be late for work and so am I!" I look at who is shaking me awake and I feel terror, relief, happiness, joy and I just pull her into a tight hug, I pull back and cup her face in my hands. My eyes were starting to tear up and I just kissed her. "Barry, are you ok?" Liz asks after we part. I jump out of bed and change into my close and hug her again. "I thought I lost you." I whispered. "Barry, lets go we're going to be late for work." "Right, right," I picked her up and we were at the precinct in seconds. "I will be down stairs in the coroners office." "I'll come with you." "Barry, its ok. I'm only two floors down." "I'm coming with you." "Alright, but if you get yelled at for being late, it ain't ma fault."
Liz's POV
We took the elevator down two floors and walked down the hallway. When we got close to the door I could hear someone talking inside. "Blunt force trauma to the left frontal lobe, fractured femur, cracked ribs, and 3cm wound to the chest, indicate homicide." "Is there another M.E. working here?" Barry asked coming up next to me. "Don't think so." I opened the doors and saw a woman around her 20's with long black hair tied in a high pony tail, black rimed glasses. She was wearing jeans, with a t-shirt with arrows pointing down, and wedges. She had a tan trench-coat covered by a lab coat. "Excuse me, but you're not allowed in here." I said. "You wouldn't let your expert M.E. friend look around a bit." She said looking into a microscope. " I know you?" I asked walking closer. "B!#$&"she just said out of no where. "Jerk, wait, what?!" "I see you still remember. Don't you Liz." "There is only one person I know who does that to me." "Yup." she said popping the "p". "Man, I can't believe you're here." I said giving her a hug. "Wait, what is going on?!" Barry asked completely confused. "Barry, meet my friend Darcy Grace." "The expert M.E." she said. "Quit being a show off." I said slapping her shoulder. "Ow." "Oh c'mon that did not hurt." "Shut-up." "So what are you doing here?" "I came to visit you and I found Magi at the coffee shop around the corner and she said you were working here, as an M.E." "Ya, it was currently the only job I could get." The Barry's phone started vibrating, "hello? ok, I'll be right there." "Your job beckons?" I asked crossing my arms. "Ya, I'll call you later, ok." "I'm coming with you." "No, Liz, you have to stay here." "Why, I'll just have Darcy cover for me." "I won't tell anyone, you guys can go." Darcy said. "Tell anyone what?" I asked. "That you and Barry had to fight another meta-human." "What are you talking about?" I said trying to sound like I knew nothing. Then I heard someones voice in my head, "I know your Wave Crest and he's The Flash." I looked over to her and she hand't even opened her mouth. "How did you do that?" "Magic." she said sarcastically. "Um...ok, but Barry lets go."When we got to the scene, our person wasn't a meta. It was the League of Assassins and when I saw who was leading them I froze. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. Nothing, I just stood there in shock, their leader, was Oliver.
haza! all done with that chap, if anyone has seen the latest episodes for Arrow in season 3, this totally makes sense. But what about Barry's dream was everything a dream. Colletta, Oliver, Felicity, Liz or was it something else. Find out next week in the next episode of Did I Say That To Fast: The Flash. Sorry this chapter was a bit short, I need suspense. Hey if you're into anime and video games check out my friend bobfills and his books, they are actually not that bad.*vote
Running on Water: The Flash
FanfictionLiz was a regular flash lover, one day when she was watching the flash someone shows up at her door. Will she believe what she's seeing. If she does will she make new friends and possibly a new found love. With her sister and friends she fights evi...