chapter 34

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We stood there, all four of us. Kid Flash, Solar Flare, The Flash, and Wave Crest. All of us, back to back. Each of us staring at a different corner in the room where four different super villians. "Now lets see how you do against my army and them." Mirror Master said. "Still being an optamist?" Flash asked. "We can do it." I said, but deep inside, i was worried. Would we be able to stop a clone army and four super villians? I was scared beyond my mind.

"Wave Crest? Did you hear me?" I looked to who was talking to me. It was Barry. "What, I'm sorry. What did you say?" "You and Solar Flare go for one of the two rouges and Kid and I will go for Captain Boomerang and The Trickster." I nodded in response. I looked up at the frozen dinosaur and got a vert stupid idea. "Flash, wait." I said grabbing his arm before he ran off. "What, what is it?" he asked. "I have an idea, but the three of you have to move out of the way." I said walking closer to the dinosaur. "What are you going to do....." Flash trailed off then realized what I was going to do. "No, thats way to risky." he said grabbing my wrist. "Oh as if." I said sarcastically. "Solar Flare, defrost our dino please!"

She looked at me with a concerned face, but saw that I had a plan. She defrosted the dino and KF, Flare, and Flash moved out of the way. I got on top of the dinosaur as if was melting. I got close to his face, "now lets show the bad guys what happens when they stir up trouble in my town." I said patting the side of the t-rex.

"You think you can beat us with that dinosaur that I created." Mirror Master said pressing a button on his wrist and suddenly the dinosaur was gone, and I started falling. It felt like I was falling in slow motion, waiting, for the ground to meet me. I felt like I was going to die, the height of the dinosaur was a couple hundred feet. I knew I probably wouldn't die, but the feeling. Of falling, just falling. Falling, waiting to hit the ground, the feeling of endlessness. Then something caught me, I looked up. My sight a bit blurry, but his face came into view, emerald green eyes behind a scarlet red mask. When I had finally realized who had caught me I snapped back into reality.

"Let go of me, I'm fine." I said pushing myself out of Barry's arms. "You know a thank you would be nice." He said sarcastically. "Thanks." I mumbled under my breath. "Quit stalling, lets heat things up a bit." said one of the villians, I looked over and Heat Wave was pointing his gun right at us. We all scattered, and I started running towards him. Sending water towards him, when it hit the gun I froze it. "Hey, let me go!" He yelled trying to get his hand out of an ice block attached to the heat gun. I grabbed his frozen had and hit him on the head with it, knocking him out. "Nice trick, but I like ice more than water." C/Cold said with his signature evilness. "But yet again, it isn't as much fun as my cold gun." He said shooting the ground making it freeze. "Lets see if your speedsters can run on ice?" C/Cold asked sarcastically.

"Probably not, but we can." I said turning the ice on the ground into water. Solar Flare was melting the ice on the ground so she could reach the top of the stairs. C/Cold kept shooting ice at her, but since Solar Flare has the power of fire. I think you can imagine how that went for C/Cold. When she reached him, she grabbed the gun from his hand and knocked him out. "Thats two down, two to go." Flash said to Mirror Master. "Oh, that is very mean. Leaving out the leader." he said.

"As if, you crazy lunatic. All you do is create hollograms." said C/Boomerang getting upset. "And what do you do exatly, I just asked you to come because I needed one more loser on my team, now hows that....mate?" Mirror Master said making C/Boomerang mad. "Thats it, you're going to be kangaroo meat when I'm through with you!" he yelled throwing two boomerangs at Mirror Master.

"This actually kind of funny." I whispered to The Flash. "Ya, but we still have The Trickster to deal with." he said. "Right, hey, KF. Mind making a quick run to go get The Trickster?" I asked, but I couldn't find him. "Where'd he go?" I asked looking around. "Got him." I turned around to see KF holding Trickster in handcuffs. "To the police?" Wally asked pointing at Trickster. I gave him a nod with an evil smile. He ran off and was back in seconds.

"So now what do we do about them?" Solar Flare asked. "We could let them knock each other out." I suggested. "We could just knock both of them out and take them to the police in seconds." Flash said. "I like that idea." said KF. "Alright, you two get the dimwits up there and Solar Flare and I will take in Captain Crazy and Mr. Hot Head." I said, the boys went up to knock out C/Boomerang and Mirror Master. The Flash run up behind C/Boomerang, tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and Barry punched him out. Wally just punched out Mirror Master. C/Cold and Heat Wave were kind of heavy so I just dragged both of them on a ice sled, pulled by Magi and I.

We dropped off the villains off at the precinct and headed to the lab. "Well that was fun." Barry said sarcastically, leaning against the desk. "I wanted to keep the dinosaur." I said sitting down in a wheely chair. "Are you crazy?!" Magi said. "I think it would be cool to have a pet dino." Wally said eating a bag of chicken whizzy's. "See, he agrees." I said wheeling over and giving him a high five. "Even if you did have a pet dino, where would you keep it?" "I could shrink it." I said spinning around in the chair. "And how would you do that?" "You know, you are just saying this so I can't have one." I said wheeling arcoss the room. "Would you stop moving in that thing." "Nope." I said popping the "p" and giving Magi a toothy smile.

"Are they always like this?" Wally asked to Barry. "Sometimes." he said. "You know its getting late, so we should get home." Barry said grabbing the back of the chair. "Heeey." I whined. "Hey Mag's, you should have a sleep over with Woll Man." "Ya, thats not happening and really Woll Man?" she asked sarcastically. "Its was just a suggestion." I said walking over to the desk grabbing my bag and my jacket. "Well no, sorry Wally." Magi said. "Its ok, I need to get home anyway." he said speeding out the door sending paper and hair flying everywhere. "Well I'm going home to get some shut eye." I said walking out the door. "What about you?" Barry asked. "I'll probably pass by Jitters or something." Magi said putting on her jacket. "Okay, see you later." Barry said zooming out the door, picking me up on the way out.

"That was quick." I said as Barry put me down in the living room. "Ya, well I wanted to watch a movie." Barry said sitting down on the couch. "You can watch a movie, I'm going to bed." I said walking towards the stairs. "Pleeease, you made me watch Frozen." he said leaning over the side of the couch. "You had energy to watch Frozen, I'm pooped." "Well I'm going to sit you down next to me and watch a movie." Barry said zooming up next to me. "Barry...." I trailed off because it was to late, I was sitting on the couch next to Barry. "You know,whatevs." I said putting my head on Barry's shoulder and dozing off.
yay, finally got that done. I had writers block and I was also fixing previous chapters, so thats why I took so long. I also changed the title of the story to Running on Water: The Flash, so if you get confused on why you have a new story in your library its because mine has a new title. Oh and sorry I messed up a bit on the bomb thing, it will be in the next chapter. Since I had been fixing the previous chapters I had sort of forgotten what I had put in the previous chapter, so I will try to fix everything in the next chaper. And I want to give a shoutout to my very supernatural friend TheFemaleJohnGreen , her book Presidents Daughter is great and funny. Go read it, the president commands you.


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