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My Detective~

Contents: Saiouma, Detective Shuichi/Phantom Thief Kokichi AU, chase scene, pinning, rooftop action, (sorta)heated moments(?), (Not sure if this one counts as fluff, but it's not smut. So~)


Shuichi's POV
I'm Detective Shuichi Saihara. Japan's, and possibly the world's, greatest detective.

For the most part I've been able to solve any of the cases I've been assigned to, so far. I arrive at my boss's office. It seems he's assigned to the Phantom Thief case, I've heard a lot of rumors about this one. Many detectives and cops have tried and tried again and again, but no one has ever been able to capture him, or even get a lead of sorts.

No matter, right now it's pretty much up to me to finally capture this guy and throw him behind bars.

As I was sitting in my office studying the case file a call comes from my phone. It seems the thief is currently trying to rob someplace and the cops have been alerted.

I rush out and grab my necessary things. My phone, badge, coat, a pair of handcuffs, and definitely can't forget my hat!

Once I arrive to the scene there are police cars everywhere surrounding the area. Through the windows I can see the officers running around inside trying to catch- well I suppose the infamous Phantom Thief. Although I can't exactly see where he is from out here.

I run inside the building and follow the others running around.

Currently in a corridor, by myself. Where could that thief be? Then I hear a cackle and perk my head up. There he is! He turns around and looks at me, damn it, he's got a mask on.

Kokichi's POV
Oh~, it seems I've got a little detective on my tail.

He introduces himself and goes off with the usual, your under arrest and- blah, blah, blah, blah! Why don't we have a little fun with this new foe.
"Your gonna have to catch me first detective!" I shout.

I quickly run through the hall and eventually make my way to the stairs. With Detective Shuichi a few feet behind me trying to keep up I zoom my way on up the staircase, maybe skipping a few steps in my haste.

It's literally been over 20 minutes, how many steps are there! Whoever made this is an idiot.

From behind me I can hear Shuichi calling upon me and trying to get me to stop. Yeah~ no way am I doing that.

Up ahead I see a door, I suppose it's to the rooftop. Great! I can hop from one roof to another or something crazy like that.

Once I get through the door I slam it close, backing away a bit. Phew! That was like too many steps, I- just how tall is this place. Hmm, it seems the door locks from the outside. Oh well. Like hell I'm going back inside there.

I stand around for a bit trying to catch my breath and sorta mock the detective when he reaches here.

Finally he makes his way through the door and I take a stance with my classic grin. A slight breeze blows making my cape flow a little.
"Well, watcha gonna do now detective? I'm waiting~"

Suddenly he lunges at me. I dodge easily, so that's how he wants to play. Alrighty then.

We have a back and forth of trying to tackle each other or at least try to get a hit on one another.

From one swift side to the next, although a little sloppy. Damn, how fast can this guy go? This starting to kinda wear me down. But only a smidge! Ugh, are we freaking done yet with this little child's play. For 5 damn minutes it's just one fling forward and 3 steps back! How long does this guy plan to keep on doing this?

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