🌺Kirari x Sayaka🌺

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Contents: Kirari x Sayaka, Jealous Sayaka, card games, Yumeko, Mary, Slight Yumeko x Mary, lap seat (it's mainly Sayaka's POV)


Sayaka's POV
I've HAD it up to here with this Yumeko Jabami girl! Ever since she transferred here she's been causing so much commotion. She's even got Kirari's attention! I can't stand her at all.

I roam my way down the hall and come across a match between Yumeko and another at student with her friends in the back.

I just don't understand. What is it that's supposedly makes her so interesting.

How infuriating!

I stick around, watching them by the doorway. It seems that they're playing, go fish. Of course with ridiculous high stakes. By the end of the guy is left weeping in his seat.

So what if she's good, anyone can win with enough cheating and luck!

"Oh my, I must say that was quite fun!" I overheard from Yumeko.

"You should really stop scary us like that! With all the crazy talk you pull." Mary Saitome had said.

"Awww are you perhaps worried about me Mary-chan~"

"Huh!? No way!"

Laughter is heard erupting from the room. My fists clench tightly until I realize and slowly release them. I take a long breath as I make my way to the student council room. I've got things to do anyway.

Inside the main room is practically no one. But in their own ways the other council members do have their own important things to attend to. Yumemi with her absurd fans, Runa overseeing games upholding total neutrality, Yuriko running the cultural club, Midari and her beautification council, and so on and so forth.

As I walk along side the long running table I stop at the President's chair. It's only been a couple hours since we held our daily after-schools meeting. I can catch a faint whiff of her scent, it's as heavenly as ever.

I should be getting to my tasks. I eye the chair carefully as if it could just grow legs and walk away from me. Maybe just for a moment. Sayaka. NO. Bad. I can't it would just be, wrong.

Then again, no ones here to bear witness. Everyone's too busy with their own extracurriculars right now. And it'll only be just a short rest.

Yes, a short rest!

That's it!

After I take a small break I'll get straight back to work.

I look around me just to make sure no one is truly here. I gently slide into her chair. It's so comfy and slightly has her warmth along with her scent from earlier. I start to curl, my eyes fluttering closed slowly becoming unconscious.

Eventually after a couple hours pass by I'm interrupted. Huh? Who's trying to wake me up?

I groggily rub my eyes and sit up becoming more aware of the situation after a few minutes.

"Good afternoon, I see you were sleeping in my chair," she said with an eager smile. Ah-  it's Madam President! I can't believe she caught me like this. I'm utterly ashamed.

"M-madam President! I apologize for crudely disheveling your seat, I will accept any punishment you deem fit." Once I was in the motion of getting up she stopped me and walked closer.

"Hmm~ well how about this as your punishment. I get my seat back and you sit on my lap. How's that sound?"

What! She can't be serious. But that would be really nice.

"U-um...,"C'mon I'll never get another chance like this again,"I shall accept said punishment."

Once she sits down I cautiously slide into to her facing away from her. This feels SO comforting. I can't believe I'm actually doing this!

She then embraces me from behind. I blush a bright tomato red and heat up quickly from head to toe.

She then combs her fingers through my hair and fondles with the hem of my coat.

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!! Did I die and go to heaven!?

"Sayaka~  won't you face me."

"Yes Madam President!"

Nervously, with the deliberate speed of a snail, I turn and adjust my legs around her. I avoid her peering eyes. They feel as though they're burning a hole in me.

She hugs with a gentle caress. I take in her scent. Who knows how long, but I eventually fall back asleep.

Kirari's POV
Oh, it seems she fallen asleep on me. She's so adorable when she's all flustered like that.

Such a wonder before me. My oh my oh. I could just sit like this with her all day, not a single care in the world. Maybe I should. I mean I'm the president after all.

I lean my head down and press a kiss to her forehead. What a wonderful afternoon. I then lay my head back against my chair and briskly fall asleep.

The End

A/n: Hello dear reader! Nice to see ya again, what do y'all think of this one? I'm a bit of a sucker for sly empowered kind of characters. Kirari certainly holds all the cards, with her lovely right hand girl. I gotta go do some dishes, so over an' out!

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