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My Detective~ Pt2

Contents: Saiouma, Detective Shuichi/Phantom Thief Kokichi AU, Top Shuichi, Power Bottom Kokichi, Riding

Narrator's POV
The chase between thief and detective lasted many days leading to months. Many things were said an' done with each encounter between them.

Kokichi told his usual maybe lies and Shuichi tried to decipher it. Sometimes they chased each other, other times they teased each other.

But as time passed bickering and one liners turned into conversation.

As well as lots of gazing.

On a night like any other, with a chase in motion in a alleyway, the two do their typical dance.

Although they end up leaning against the walls, out of breath. Kokichi then turns his head towards Shuichi and says,"My oh my, you've certainly got me on the mend detective."

"Buuuut I'd rather much be doing something else right now," with a sly smirk he leans in on the detective. Blush spreads across Shuichi's cheek.

While he was rendered speechless the thief pulls out a card and hands it to the other.

"Here you can go ahead and call me whenever you want, it better be for something fun though!"

"Oh, are you sure?"

"I don't just do this all that often y'know. So consider yourself lucky."

Written in red ink upon the card is his number.

And with that done Kokichi leaves the scene with a wink and the flutter of his cape.

Shuichi's POV
It's been a few weeks since he gave me his number. He's probably all antsy from me not calling him. I just get all nervous when I try to. Then I just end up chickening out!

Well I can 100% say that this isn't a trap.

He said that if I were to call him it should be for something fun. There's no way he means.....that. Right?

In the evening as I relax after a long day work I look at my phone laying on the table. I start to get some unsavory ideas which leave me all hot and bothered after a while.

Screw it.

I pick up my phone and start dialing Kokichi's number. As it rings a few times I think of how much I need him right now.


"Hello, who's this?"

"It, it's me."

"Ohhh! Well hello~ what do need?"

"Can you come over to my place? Like right now."

"What for?"

"I just need you right now."

"Eheh, and how much do you need me? Go on."

I can practically hear his dumb face smiling. Nuh-uh, I'm not doing this today.

"Just get your dumb ass to "******** Avenue." I soon hang up.

After some waiting he eventually shows up at my window and let's himself in. Let's get this damn night started.

Narrator's POV
They both knew why they were there. The hunger and lust was so clear in their eyes.

Within an instant Kokichi strode over to Shuichi and pulled his head down for a messy make out session. His arms hung around the taller's neck while his were wrapped around his waist. Eventually he started to feel him up.

As their tongues were exploring each other's mouths Shuichi's hand was moving down Kokichi's back and the other was starting to slide up his shirt.

Breaking from the sloppy kiss Kokichi looks up at him,"C'mon Shumai let's take this to the bed."

Pulling him from the tie like a dog on a leash, Shuichi is led to his bedroom.

While he locks the door behind Kokichi's strips himself of all his clothes. Shuichi then does the same. Feeling the heat burning inside them Kokichi gently, but eagerly pushes the detective down into the bed.

"Since it'll be our first time and all how 'bout I take the lead tonight."

"By all means, do what you want."

Kokichi slowly starts to sink down onto Shuichi's hard member. After a few moments of struggle and adjusting to the size, he finally starts moving.

Shuichi closed his eyes in ecstasy as his partner moves up and down picking up the pace little by little.

He's full on bouncing off of him after a few minutes. Pants and moans can be heard echoing from the room.

Subconsciously Shuichi grips Kokichi's thighs. In the need of more pleasure he starts to move his hips along with the other's movements.

Suddenly the thief moans loudly and his eyes quickly open as a sweet spot of his was hit.

When that happened the last string of sanity broke in Shuichi's mind. He soon got up and pinned down the grape pounding him fastly. He felt as though his legs would give out any moment anyways.

Sweat and the smell of unruly sex filled the air, saturating the two entirely. Kokichi lost his smug look by now, only moaning and clenching his hands. The lust was oh so strong between them.

They start to feel it in their stomach, everything was completely stimulating for them. The detective speeds up even more, becoming enveloped in pleasure.

They soon climax squirting so much around them. The thief feels himself get filled with a warm sticky liquid.

As they come to a slow he eventually pulls out. With exhaustion draining them they slowly fall asleep leaving clean up and aftercare for the morning.

The End

A/n: Finally! Another oneshot done! It took me a long time to figure how do this one. This is actually my first time writing smut so I hope you like it. This is ALSO my first request of this oneshot collection. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it and it met your expectations sweetheart_10155! Until next time, over an' out!

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