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These days I can't help but feel scared

Scared that one day he'll break something again and the crash will be just too loud

Scared that he'll find out about all my creations and writings
That once he has his hands on all that I put my goddamn heart and soul in and just corrupt only to break the next second

I'm too scared to die but to foolish to keep on living

I don't want to have to be afraid of this

I don't want to cry knowing I'm pathetic just for doing so

I can't ever let something like this be found
Especially by him

If he ever does find this collection of mine he may take it all away and I'll be left with nothing again

To be nothing bet a empty husk of what I truly am

All cus it shouldn't be

But I know that my lies will start missing and I may loose my knack for even coming up with lies

And I fear the day that nothing works anymore

I fear the day he knows exactly what I do

A/n: I'm not sure what to tell ya bout this sorta rant/poem, I just needed to put it somewhere. But pls know that if I ever stop writing, it's not bc I don't want to
Over an' out

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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