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Brewing Love

Content: silktea(of course), gay spider in denial, Sandy being a sweetheart, tea date, spindragon(ship) mention


A short purple spider stood at the docks staring intently at the gigantic ship before him. To backtrack a little, Huntsman had been talking with the blue river demon in secret for awhile now. Through that they got closer with each other little by little. One day Sandy had invited him to have tea with him in his home/boat.

And now here we are, but Huntsman is being a bit of a wuss and just standing outside on the dock. Was he nervous, was he regretting his decision to come here, was he excited with nerves? Of course he would never admit such feeble things, for now.

Just as he had finally conjured enough bravery to go further a blue cat had brushed up against his leg. He cautiously picked up the feline,"Hello there. What are you doing here?"

Obviously the cat couldn't respond but it pointed a paw to Sandy's boat. Now realizing that the little one was probably one of big blue's many cats he walked towards the boat.

Upon the deck of the ship he saw Sandy sitting down on the ground and attending to some cats that were all around him. Huntsman did NOT snicker at the sight, definitely.

The blue cat had jumped out of his arms and ran over to Sandy,"Oh Mo there you are."

He then looked to where Mo had ran from and saw his new friend just standing there kinda awkwardly.

"Hey, it's nice to see ya again," Sandy cheerily said as he got up and walked over,"I was wondering when you were gonna show up, I hope you didn't get lost on your way here."

"I didn't. I merely wanted to take my time is all," Huntsman had to strain his neck up a little with how tall Sandy was,"Anyways you said that you wanted to, 'hangout' with me."

Although the two had grown closer with one another Huntsman had still felt a little surprised by the kindness Sandy shows him. For some strange reason it made him feel...warm, to say the least. He does at least know that he doesn't understand this warmth and that, well that's something for another time.

Sandy leads him over to a little table where a teapot and some cups have already been set up.

The tea-set had lovely floral patterns and the cups were arranged in front of two sides of the table.

As the big guy strolled over to the ensemble Huntsman has to make his way through the cat maze and hopefully not step on any of them.

The sight of all of them left him a little...skittish.

It's probably because he's a spider or something of the sort. Some of the cats even have him a bit of a stink eye. He resisted the urge to glare back.

Once he finally made it to the table and sat down Sandy had poured him a generous helping of tea. The steam rose and flowed into the air as he then poured himself a cup.

The spider watched him closely, to make sure big blue didn't mess with the drink of course! He observed how Sandy carefully positioned the teapot and how he made a little circle motion to make the tea swirl. How he delicately placed the most likely heavy kettle as if it were fragile porcelain. Even though he was such a heavy muscled guy he treated everything with care.

It was Mo jumping up towards the two that snapped Huntsman out of his daze, I mean totally cut-throat gaze. Yup.

Huntsman took a sip of his tea and got a bountiful bunch of calming flavors. His amazement must have shown in his face because Sandy was left chuckling at the purple spider.

"It's good right?"

"Well, it's certainly acceptable."

Even with the half-assed compliment Sandy still smiled and was beaming with his good vibes. At this point in their 'friendship' you could say he knows how to speak Huntsman.

Idle chatter, small talk, sarcastic jokes along with non-sarcastic comments. It passed the time as they drank their tea and comped down on the snacks. Mo would hop in and out every now and again to steal a biscuit or to just bother them.

They talked about a lot of things, but they would just talk about whatever came to mind. And somehow the topic of relationships and love lives came to light.

"In fact, I think one of your friends, the green one or something, is dating my sister." Huntsman had said, talking about the motorcycle obsessed spider,"Spindrax has been going out on rides a lot more lately."

Sandy placed down his cup being completely intrigued by the gossip,"Oh my. I guess Mei has been a bit more scatter all over the city too."

"Exactly. Y'know I can't believe that one of us is actually dating someone. I guess I just never thought it was all that necessary."

"Hmmmm well love isn't really that important for some people. But at least we have each other huh." He leaned against the table,"For me all I need is my cats and my friends!"

Huntsman quickly drank some tea to OBVIOUSLY NOT cover a blush that tinted his face.

The blue giant then continued, not really noticing his friend's state," I mean I've tried before in the past, but it never really worked out. Especially with who I used to be..so I guess, who needs a boyfriend anyway? Am I right Huntsman, HaHa!"

He bit down on some cookies after his remark since he needed a little snackie. Meanwhile Huntsman had practicality coughed up on one of the fruit he was in the middle of eating,"You're gay!?"

Of course he didn't mean it in a rude way, he was merely surprised by the revelation.

"Is there a problem with that?" Sandy questioned hesitantly. Sure he's a big strong boi, but he's had a bit of a bad experience with some people when he mentions his preferences.

Even Mo was staring, actually more like glaring, at the arachnid in question. Just sitting. Menacingly.

"NO! I mean, of course not! I just never thought that you would be, y'know..." This was going downhill pretty fast, alrighty Huntsman go start digging your grave,"..I would never hate you just because you're gay, and I'm glad that you actually trust me enough to tell me."

A sigh of relief escaped both men and a shared laugh was exchanged at the unnecessarily tense moment that just happened.

As Sandy wiped a small tear from all his laughing he asked,"How about you? Maybe a little fruity, huh?"

Now at this he literally spit out his tea and panickly said,"Pfft men? What no I'm not gay huh? Ha what no?!"

Whether this was actually convincing was a mystery. On the side Mo slapped his paw to his face.

Utter disappointment washing over the feline.

"Hehe, it's ok. No need to fret about it!"

"Uh, yeah!"

Nonetheless they gradually hopped off the topic of love and its affections. They moved onto other various topics.

All that really mattered at the moments for them, was just being together. Sharing the space and time with one another.

It can truly make a heart flutter.

Wait what?

The End

A/n: I really like how this one turned out! It actually only took me about an hour to finish writing. Hooray for motivation! This was actually requested by a friend of mine, hello friend! That's all for now, over an' out!

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