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Back of My Truck 
(in honor of Kinktober)

Contents: smuttyyy, my single contribution to kinktober, semi-public, Redson's truck, bottom Mk, top Redson, anal, a bit of bondage, praise kink


The sun shines in the sky in the afternoon. Through the city streets a large destructive truck can be seen parked in the middle of a desolate alleyway. What could be going on inside...I mean you read the title, let's just get into it.

Inside the truck Redson and Mk sat in the back seat enjoying each other's company. Redson ran a hand down Mk's thigh, warmth seeping from him.

He presses himself up against the monkey and kisses him passionately. Mk leans into it and slides into the other's lap.

He rests his hands on his hips as Mk straddles his waist.

Their mouths moved in sync as they roughly kissed, pressing their bodies so closely together. Slightly grinding for that pleasing friction.

Mk feels a small bite on his lower lips and eagerly opens his mouth as his flame's tongue smoothly slips in.

The successor's hands grasp at Redson as they yearn for the taste of one another.

Eventually the the fire-head gets more and more touchy. With each smother of his hands Mk feels a shiver of electricity run down his back and to his groin. Every second that passes the two get needier, craving for more closer contact. He lets his jacket slide off him to fall onto the floor.

Redson caresses his lover frivolously, practically hinting at something more passionate. They slowly part with a string saliva being the only thing connecting their mouths.

No words needed to be said between the two as they felt themselves already being ruled up at the sight of the other. The fire demon went in for another kiss, and while they were occupied with that Mk worked on undoing the other's belt.

Dropping another piece of clothing and more shuffling again. The two are left half-naked, with a lustrous gaze Red pushes Mk down onto his back.

For a moment he looks down upon the monkey before him. The Monkie Kid unraveled with a flush face, his hair a bit of a mess, he could practically feel the heat emanating off of him. And ooh how his legs were spread with Redson leering over him. To know that he was the whole reason why he looked like this. To be the reason why he was in such a horny state. To be the only one who gets to see him like this..well, it certainly did things for the flame to burn brighter.

While the hothead was taking each feature, admiring the man, Mk grew needy and started reaching his hand to his crotch for some friction.

Just as he was about to start pumping himself his hand was caught by his lover,"Ah, we can't have you doing things yourself now. I'll take care of you, my darling~"

Mk whimpered as his boyfriend carefully took his headband and used it to tie his wrists together. Then the two connected and continued their ravenous make out. Redson could feel how the effect of Mk's moans and groans go straight down to the lower half of his body.

While their mouths were busy Red slid his finger into Mk for prep, causing the other to get a bit louder.

He slid his finger in and out making sure his muse could feel every single movement inside.

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