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Deadeye's Aim

Contents: McHanzo, Target Fire, Shooting Range, Banter, Nicknames, Kiss Bet, Spying

Narrator's POV
On a day like any other in the morning there stands two men in the Overwatch Shooting Range. As the sun shines brightly the dog-like cowboy strikes up a conversation.

" 'Ey Hanny whatdaya say we make a bet." Mccree says tipping his hat up to look at the archer beside him.

"Hmm, well what will we do?" Hanzo questions ignoring the ridculous nicknames he's become all to familiar with.

"I mean, we're both pretty great shots. But have ya ever wondered which one of us was better," for a moment Hanzo can catch a glint of mischief in his eyes,"So how about we see who and just have a little fun with it."

"And what do you suppose we wager, Mccree?" the Shimada asks with such poise.

With a smug smile donned on his face he asks, more like stated,"How's a 'bout a lovely kiss for the winner?"

"Hah! Alright then, but I'll have you know I don't plan on losing."

Hanzo joins in Jesse's playful manner. They've been dating for awhile now and enjoys each other's company. As well as the light they radiate upon their lives.

Going first the cat-like archer steps into the line of the target. He slowly takes an arrow and draws back the string of his bow.

Once he releases his fingers the blue arrow zooms toward the red circles and hits it dead center. With a satisfied smile he steps back for Mccree's turn.

After a few seconds of looking at their target surfaces next to each other he quickly whips out peackeeper and shoots several shots in a flash.

"What do ya think of that mi sol~" His southern accent evident in his voice

"I think... that you're a big show off." A smirk gracing his face.

A chuckle erupts from the two. They then move their targets back a few meters.

One shot after another is fired and can be heard somewhat echoing from their location. No matter if it was shot from a bow or a gun, both targets are riddled with holes.

So many holes and tearing that they had to get new ones several times from storage midway through their little competition.

Currently the targets were quite far out in the distance. To the point where the pair almost couldn't see them.

The cowboy's already had tons of holes. Meanwhile the blue Shimada's already has a arrow in the dead center.

They can tell that this game of their's is coming to a close so soon.

With such finesse Hanzo launches his arrow, it's path doesn't waver and it sharply strikes into the middle of that other arrow already stuck through the target.

Mccree whistles, impressed he gives the other a pat to the back.

"Gotte say I'm impressed."

"Flattery won't help you win this y'know, hehe."

"No duh! But on the other hand," the westerner reaches down towards his holster,"It's Hiiigh Nooon~"

In mere fractions of a second, practically a blur of gunslinging, the target is nothing but a tattered mess.

After that gallant speedway he spins his gun a few times and blows that smoke from the tip.

He cheerily with a puppy-dog smile announces,"Welp I guess this means that I won!"

"Fine, fine. Hmph," admitting defeat although he feels a little sore about the loss.

The japanese man turns his head upward as Mccree leans in closer. He calmly closes his eyes awaiting his touch.

Their heads are only an inch or two apart. They can feel the other's breath against their skin. Mccree can't help gaze at the man before him taking in every little detail and feature.

But before he goes in for a kiss he stops.

Out of the blue he swiftly wraps an arm around the man, catching him by surprise. Using his cowboy hat for cover he finally smooches Hanzo.

Meanwhile from afar Genji and Tracer have been watching since long ago. They just wanted to see what was going on. They hadn't expected such a show.

"Oh c'mon!" The british speedster begrudgingly says.

"*Sigh* Well I guess that's our cue to go," The cyborg ninja stands up and dusts himself off.

"But we were just getting to the good part!!!"

"We should give the lovebirds some privacy."

"Alright mate." She says before Genji would have to drag her away from the scene.

The End

A/n: Greetings dear readers(if your even reading this😅)! Fun fact I drank SO ketchup while writing this that I'm pretty sure it replaced my blood. Don't worry, I'm 75% sure I'll be ok. I know this one was kinda lacking in some spots but I hope y'all liked it! I gotta finish another chapter for my other story. Over an' out!!!

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