Not a Oneshot

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It started out a normal day, but of course it went downhill.

She had to deal with him.

You could say she was scared.

She was furious.

She was uncomfortable.

But it's not like she could run away.

If she ran away she would be chased after.

Hunted by him.

Lectured and yelled at like a dog.

So all she could do was stand there and just listen to his buzzing.

She should've been fine.

She must tolerate it.

It was unnerving, all his talk, talk, talk.

But she could say nothing.

She should say nothing.

If she wanted to make it out ok, she had to keep her lips shut.

It didn't matter if this was ridiculous.

It didn't matter if he was wrong.

It didn't matter that he called her lazy and ungrateful.

It didn't matter that she felt threatened.

No matter what she wanted to or felt she needed to say,

she couldn't.

For if she spoke her mind she would meet her demise.

On the outside she was barely keeping it together.

She had her hands behind her back.

But on the inside she was screaming.

She was yelling.

She was wincing.

She was crying.

She was fighting.

She was killing...

her own self.

So many, and too many damn times.

She wanted to get away.

But she couldn't.

She would have to endure.

She would have to take the slander.

The reprimands.

To feel like an utter waste and be told that over and over in different words.

There was no escape.

She had to suck it up.

To hold tight.

She was silenced.

But she still doesn't know if, from him or herself.

A/n: I just felt like writing this, is all. If you related to it like me then we can be all sulky together. I just felt like I needed to put it out on something. Over an' out.

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