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Don't You See?

Contents: toxicinsanity(of course), flirting, manipulation, one-sided/fake love, spindragon hint, silktea mention, Goliath being clueless,(this is my first time writing something kinda angsty)


Syntax has always been a calculated man. The kind of guy who keeps his cards close to his chest. That is, until the ghostly Mayor came along.

He was always lurking around the spider lair ever since LBD had met the great Spider Queen. To say that Syntax had gotten a crush was an understatement. Mayor, quite the charmer whenever it came to the spider, noticed and decidedly pushed further with such affections.

To Syntax he hadn't had much experience with love and its fickleness at all. Before he was turned he mainly focused on his work and now he only has the company of his newly acquired spider family.

This would technically be his first love. Oh how unknowable he is with such an experience.

For their 'relationship' Mayor would show up whenever he had felt like it. He would dote on the scientist with flirtatious compliments. Get touchy and occasionally...disorderly with him.

Whether it was a convenient moment for him, it was never really considered. He could be in the middle of creating dangerous machinery and the ghost could creep up on him for attention.

But more notably whenever the fake mayor felt like he had enough of the spider he would promptly leave and unknown to Syntax, he'll snatch a little trinket. For some reason all of them were quite important for future Spider Clan projects.

Although Syntax is completely enamored by the man the rest of the spiders, well they know how to pick things apart.

Currently the tech spider sat at their makeshift kitchen counter. 'Sleep if for the weak' as they say unhealthy of course. He had just pulled another all-nighter. You could say his eye-bags were friggin bougie.

But more than that he had to stay up because he was practically pulled away from his important work by his ever-smiling 'lover' for something steamy.

The other spiders were also in the kitchen just chilling while munching on whatever could be found in their pantry. The Spider Queen was reading a newspaper she had stolen from the surface. Goliath sat eating some cookies, no one has any idea where he got it from. Spindrax left a few minutes ago, she told them she was just going to work on her bike. However let it be known that the spider's suck at hiding things from each other. Meanwhile Syntax and Huntsman stood across from each other while leaning against the counter.

Coffee filled the air as the the tried spider took a looong sip, Huntsman was sipping his own cup, a faint herbal smell came from it.

Somehow the two had gone onto the topic of the Spider Clan's acclaimed ghost acquaintances. And of course as any conversation with sibling, especially a brother, it all quickly turned sour.

"Look. All I'm saying is I don't think you two are very healthy." Huntsman almost growled out at his brother figure's stubbornness with the ghostly Mayor.

But, some people simply can't see reason and tiredly said with a scowl,"Shit the hell up your banging the enemy."


From across the room Spider Queen looked up from her newspaper and confusedly stared at her ridiculous children.

Huntsman froze in embarrassment. The other across from him merely drank his coffee not willing to process anything that goes on around him.

"Huntsman? What does he mean by that?"


"Yeah, what does he mean?" Goliath also joins in from his place on the floor.

He then quickly booked it out of there as if his life depended on it. It technically did.

Of course Spider Queen have chase, demanding answers to hinted relationship that her son might have. Depending on his answer he may or may not be grounded. Probably may not.

Syntax finished his cup, but he still felt heavily groggy so he just took the entire coffee machine with him and walked back to his lab.

As he waddled through the cavernous halls he felt a cold shiver go up his spine. He didn't have to turn around to know who was chuckling behind him. Suddenly cold arms snaked their way across his torso.

"Oh my dear spider~ might I have a moment of your time." It was more like a demand than a question,"and perhaps have that brilliant brain and those magnificent hands can make a little something for me."

The Mayor's hands caressed the other rather suggestively. Not desperate, no. More like craving for something carnal.

"Well~ why not, sure."

To be used once again. To do as his 'lover' wished once more. To feel wanted. Appreciated by someone other than those he familiarizes himself with.

The End

A/n: I am SO glad I'm done with this one. Sorry it's kinda shorter than usual, I had a little trouble with what to write for this one. A friend requested this one(the same one from the Silktea one) and I guess I'm just not that good at writing toxic relationships yet. I hope you at least deem this good enough Mama Bird! Time to work on the 3rd one, over an' out!

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