Chapter Twelve

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                 **smut warning**

Steve grumbled to himself as he dried off, wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way to his room so he could get dressed. Just as he got to his door he heard fast footsteps behind him and as he turned around he felt the towel being ripped off of him. Standing there with a cheeky grin on his face and Steves towel in hand was Eddie. But the cheeky grin quickly went away as Eddie looked down and his eyes widened.

"Jesus Christ! I wasn't wrong when I called you Big Boy, was I?"

Steve smirked before slipping into his room and shutting the door leaving Eddie in the hallway with a semi.

The next couple of hours consisted of the boys giving the cabin a clean. They sang along to music and did silly dances as they cleaned, stealing kisses from each other every now and then.

Around 11am Steve prepared food for a little picnic while Eddie grabbed a couple of blankets and made sure he looked good for Steve. His hair was definitely getting too long and he didn't want to wait for Nancy to he grabbed some scissors and gave his hair a little trim. He didn't take too much off in case he messed it up but by the time he was done he was happy with the length. Next time Nancy was over he would ask her to give him a proper trim. He stared at himself in the bathroom mirror and smiled, feeling happy with his appearance for once. He quickly sprayed some aftershave on his neck and wrists before going to join Steve.

"Woah, who are you trying to impress?" Steve asked, winking at Eddie as he finished putting food into a picnic bag.

Eddie chuckled and made his way to where Steve was. He put his arms on both sides of the counter, trapping Steve. "Nance and I are going on a date, actually."

Steve rolled his eyes and hit his friend playfully in the chest. "Cute. Very cute, Munson. Now get off of me so I can go and get ready."

"You look great as you are, Stevie."

Once Steve had checked his own appearance and made sure he smelt nice the two left the house and made their way in the direction of the lake. The sun was shining but there was a cool breeze. It was the perfect weather for a picnic.

After about 20 minutes the trees started to thin out and the lake came into view. It was smaller than Lovers Lake and Steve immediately felt a little more at ease. They quickly found a nice spot to set the blankets down. Once they were settled Steve pulled out some sandwiches and handed one to Eddie.

"Soooo.... where do we start?" He asked Eddie before taking a bite. He had no clue what to say since he had never been in this situation before. Eddie was the first guy he had taken an interest in..

"How about I tell you a secret I've only ever told one person?" Eddie replied, putting the sandwich down and playing with the rings on his fingers. He watched Steve nod and took a deep breath. "I'm gay, Steve."

Instead of freaking out like Eddie expected Steve grinned and placed his hand on Eddies knee. "Well thats a relief otherwise this whole situation would be very awkward!"

"Shut up, Harrington!"

"I never really wondered about your sexuality to be honest. Not until about a month ago when I thought you might have a thing for Nance."

Eddie scoffed. "Oh man, that would be like having a crush on a sister!"

"Okay okay! You said you had only told one person before. Who was it?"

"Eleven. The day she showed up unannounced and we went for a walk. Dustin being Dustin had run off after an animal and Nancy had gone after him. As soon as they were gone she turned to me and asked if you and I were boyfriends."

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