Chapter Fourteen

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Will looked at his feet nervously. If anyone was going to accept him it was Steve but since Will had moved away he felt like he lost his bond with the older man.

"I just, I feel like the odd one out ever since I moved away. Well, even before I moved away." He murmered, still not looking up.

Steve felt bad for the young boy and bent down slightly so he was face to face with Will. "I know I've barely seen you since you moved away but you're still one of my kids. You can talk to me!"

"I.. I don't know if I can speak to anyone, Steve. I'm too different and none of our friends would understand."

Steve thought for a minute about what the young teenager could be referring to. What would make him feel like they wouldn't accept him? Suddenly a thought popped into his head and he mentally slapped himself for not noticing sooner.

The man held out his hand to the kid and guided him towards his bedroom. He shut the door quietly and listened to make sure the others were still deep in conversation in the livingroom. Once he was 100% sure they were he gestured for Will to sit on the bed and sat down next to him.

"I think I know what you're hiding, Will."

Will froze at those words and he became slightly anxious, sweat starting to coat his palms. "Do you hate me?"

"Why would I hate you for liking boys? You're allowed to love whoever you want, man!"

Will let out the biggest sigh of relief and flopped back onto the bed. It felt like a weight had lifted off of his chest now that he had told someone his secret.

"You wanna know something, kid?" Will sat up and gave Steve a curious look. Now it was Steves turn to look away nervously. "I like guys too."

As soon as Will heard those words he grinned so hard his cheeks hurt. The happiness he felt at not being the only one was the best feeling. Sure, Jonathan suspected him but he had never actually admitted it to his brother. Steve was different though. Steve was like him.

"You do? Really?"

Steve nodded, smiling at how happy Will seemed. "Although I'm not fully gay. I like guys and girls..."

"Still doesn't change the fact you are like me. I'm not alone!" Will whispered loudly, not wanting the others to hear him. He wrapped his arms around Steves waist and buried his face into his shirt, hugging him tightly. Steve smiled and hugged Will back just as tightly.

"We aren't the only ones, you know. There is one other person in this cabin who is gay as well."

Will became confused, trying to think of who it was. Lucas and Dustin definitely weren't gay and after years of being in love with Mike he accepted that his friend would never reciprocate his feelings. So that just left one person...


"Yeah, Eddie. You're not alone, Will! I've got you." He pulled the young boy back in for another hug. "Right, we should get back to the others before they start asking questions."

Will nodded, got up and made his way towards the door. As he reached for the door handle he turned back to Steve. "Are.. are you and Eddie together?"

Steve hesitated for a second before deciding he could trust Will. Instead of saying anything he just grinned and nodded.

The pair exchanged one last smile before heading to the living room where the others were in a heated conversation about Hellfire Club. The teenage boys telling Eddie it wasn't the same without him but that they were trying to make it fun.

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