Chapter Fifteen

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John didn't think that all of this would be happening so soon. He often thought about the time he would be sent off to finally prepare and fight. But he was finally facing that reality he was finally going out there to finally fight, troops were being sent away from the camps in France to finally go to the battlefields and fight for the Allied Alliance that his country is fighting in. When the war started, his country was neutral, and America didn't want to fight. But when President Wilson declared war, John enlisted immediately without hesitation. He didn't even think about what was going to happen next, but he knew that he was following the family line, and he was going to become a hero. He didn't think that he was going to enlist and meet the girl he was going to spend the rest of his life with. He didn't think he would make all of the amazing friends that he did.  

But pretty soon, he was going to go into battle very shortly and he didn't know if he was going to die or not. He didn't know if his friends were going to die. Their fates were no longer in their hands.

During their travels, John found himself talking the most with Jamie, and sometimes Wesley, who was sitting next to the both of them. Wesley asked John about Violet and John couldn't get the words out, until Jamie revealed John's stunt.

"This moron proposed to Violet, as we were leaving." Jamie claimed, "Right as we were about to leave, he had to have a grand gesture."

"I saw it happen," Benedict yelled chiming in who was all the way in the back of the bus. John turned around and snarled at him. Benedict just wanted to chime in, he definitely thought it was one of the most romantic things he had seen. Wesley looked over at John, almost surprised, not thinking that something like that would ever happen. But he was happy for John that he was making a risk the way he was. John admitted to Wesley in the bus where they were heading to that he didn't think that he would do it either.

"Well, Congratulations." Wesley cheered, "A pity that we didn't bring any wine of champagne with us."

"Don't worry..." Jamie said taking wine out of his bag, "I'm Jamie Hamilton, of course, I am going to have wine or brandy with me somewhere... Brandy for this case, however."

"Maybe you shouldn't be so loud, you're not supposed to drink on here." Simon said hearing that he had alcohol

"Oh whatever..." Jamie said and then chuckled, "I do this more than I want to admit."

Wesley looked over at Simon, and both of them looked at Jamie in disapproval. Jamie looked at both of them, trying to get them to loosen up. But Wesley and Simon were two of the most cautious men there, and they knew that Jamie could get into huge trouble. But they knew that Jamie didn't care and neither did John, who was getting a little bit of Brandy from Jamie and taking a sip from it. John and Jamie looked at each other and started laughing loudly, and looking over at Wesley and Simon, who refused to loosen up. Simon just wanted to get everything over with, and so did Wesley. And both of them wanted to return home just as much as everyone else did. And they didn't want to get distracted in the process. And Simon and Wesley always thought that Jamie was the worst influence to be within the Miltary because he was going to get them in trouble.

"Alright, so where do you think we're going?" Jamie asked as he chugged the rest of the brandy, Simon looked at him almost disgusted, he just wasn't that big of a drinker. And with the amount that Jamie was drinking, Simon didn't know how he was going to put up with it. The smell of Brandy was putting him off, and he just didn't like the smell. Wesley was starting to get nervous as the smell expanded in the bus. He was nervous for Jamie, wondering if he was going to get into trouble, but everyone knew that Jamie was slick. And he always knew to cover his tracks in situations, especially when it came to situations with alcohol. But nobody wanted him to be drunk on the battlefield because if he was drunk fighting, that would have been dangerous on his part. Especially if he couldn't walk or think straight, but Jamie had a high tolerance for alcohol, especially strong alcohol like Brandy. Jamie then held up the empty bottle of Brandy, and toasted loudly, loud so everyone can hear him, and he didn't care who heard him. But then as he was cheering, he dropped the bottle and watched as it shattered on the floor. Jamie looked at the bottle and started laughing loudly.

In A Time of War: An imperial Love Prequel (1)Where stories live. Discover now