Chapter Nineteen

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November 20 1917

While finding himself in battle, John was finding himself about as ready as can be. He looked around at the rest of his surroundings as he found himself traveling back and forth. Wondered where he was going to end up next. He didn't know.

John found himself staying by Jamie's side when he was in the tanks, because it was clear that Jamie and John needed each other. And Jamie was trying his best to move past everything because he needed to. He needed to forget about everything he had done and he needed to remember that Silas and Ciera would want him to keep going. But Jamie did exactly that, and he needed to keep going. As they were in the tanks, John looked over at the view as the tank was moving, and he imagined when he would see Violet again. He couldn't wait to have the family he wanted with her.

And couldn't wait to see if they were going to fight, he didn't know what he wanted to name his sons, but he had some ideas of what he was going to name them. But John needed to think about the war first before anything. Because this was the battle that was going to determine his fate. He promised himself he was going to get through it all, and he was going to do his best to survive, and help himself get out of the whole thing alive. He was nervous, more nervous than he wanted to admit. But that was who he was, he was an afraid person, who enlisted to gain his families respect. And he felt as if he had by getting himself as far as he did. 

And he couldn't wait to hear what his family thought of him when he returned home with Violet. As John was still in his tanks, he wondered what his family would think of Violet, he wondered how they would treat her. Wondering if they would give her respect for who she was a person, but then he remembered what she did for a living, and how much she was caring, genuine, and she had a strong will in regards to life. And making sure everyone was safe. He didn't know what could go wrong.

Jamie felt Germans growing closer to him, and he felt as if they were closer to aiming towards the tanks, but he didn't know for sure. Jamie could hear the sounds of bullets growing closer and closer. He tried to warn John, but John didn't listen, he was too zoned out to pay attention. John was still silent as Jamie continued to call his name. Jamie was losing his patience by the moment. As John was starting to look around, he could hear the sounds of the bullets growing closer and closer. Not thinking about what was going to happen next, and he found himself growing to be more nervous by the moment. He heard them grow louder and louder and told Jamie to remain silent.  But Jamie didn't listen and called out his name.

"John!" Jamie called out, John turned around and looked over at Jamie, and asked what was going on. Jamie looked around and then told John to remain silent for a few seconds. He found himself looking around, and the sounds were growing louder and closer, which showed the fear in Jamie and John who were looking around trying to find the rest of the men that were on their side. But there was no sigh of anyone, no Wesley, no William or Simon or Benedict. But there was still Claude who was quiet and right behind them. Looking over to to see if anything was out there, preparing his rifle. And John did the exact same thing alongside Jamie, who was prepared more than ever before.  

Finding themselves in the German Front lines, the tanks stopped and John and Jamie hopped out of the tanks and had rifles in their hands, while Claude stayed behind to fight through the tanks. And John ran to the front lines with Jamie and in the pits. They both saw as Wesley, Simon and Benedict, were right behind them, and followed them into the pits hiding for their lives. Benedict looked over at John and he could tell the fear was in his eyes, and called out for John, and then he called out for Wesley, who was not hearing anything that anyone was saying. He was just focused on shooting the enemy. 

"Wesley." John called out, "Simon. Benedict. Stay focused." 

Benedict looked over almost nervous and looked over at John who was starting to shake up in fear. The Germans were right by them running through Cambrai, with the British Infantry getting allied by the Americans, alongside the French. 

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